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G.O.T. = Get On Task Begin Packet on Scientific Process

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Presentation on theme: "G.O.T. = Get On Task Begin Packet on Scientific Process"— Presentation transcript:

1 G.O.T. = Get On Task Begin Packet on Scientific Process
Measurement TOPIC 1,2,3 MY GOAL G.O.T. = Get On Task Wed Begin Packet on Scientific Process I will learn more about designing an experiment Copy these on ISN page 7 QuaNtitative vs. Qualitative 25%, minutes, 10 miles The bear moved slowly through the woods

2 Procedure …. AKA “What are we doin’ today?”
Get on Task: Control Group vs Constants Review Bias & Ethics & Graphing Review how to write a hypothesis Complete ISN page 13, Identifying Parts of Exp. End of Class Assignment

3 ISN page 9 2 questions… Obs./Ques. Back. Info. Hypoth. Exp.
IV DV Results – graph, chart Concl. – narrative Applic. What part of the Scientific Process would contain QUANTitative Info? What part would contain QUALItative info?

4 Comparing Hypothesis, Theory, Law
ISN page 7 Comparing Hypothesis, Theory, Law #2 HYPOTHESIS #7 THEORY #8 LAW Testable statement (NOT opinion) Supported thru experimentation Summarizes a hypothesis or a group of hypotheses Valid as long as there is no evidence to refute it, so it CAN change Generalizes a body of observations At the time it is made, NO EXCEPTIONShave been found

5 ISN page 13, Scenario #1 IV = Test DV = Outcome Constants = Control =
Hypothesis = Improvement = Type of pellet (CAUSE) Accuracy of pellet (EFFECT) same type of rifle, shot same # of times, target same distance away Standard Brand X Pellets IF I use a ‘specific type’ of pellets (CAUSE) THEN I will hit the target 9 times out of 10 (EFFECT) Be aware of wind!

6 ISN Page 13, Scenario #2 IV =Test Var. DV = Outcome Var. Constants =
Control = Hypothesis = Improvement = Fertilizer (CAUSE) Height of tomato plant (EFFECT) Same soil, equal amts. of fert., same location, same amt. of water 4th pot with no fertilizer – she cont. growing it like she NORMALLY does IF I use 1ounce of ‘Fert X.’ for 6 months, THEN my tomato plants will grow 5 inches None… BUT all exp. should be REPEATED for validity!

7 ISN page 13, Scenario #3 IV = Test DV = Outcome Constants = Control =
Hypothesis = Improvement = Color of rice (CAUSE) People choosing certain color rice (EFFECT) same amt. rice, identical bowls None IF I use a ‘specific color’ of rice (CAUSE) for 1 week THEN 85% people will choose the ‘normal color rice’ (EFFECT) Needs control group  white rice for comparison

8 ISN page 13, Scenario #4 IV = Test DV = Outcome Constants = Control =
Hypothesis = Improvement = Studying more 10% increase in grade None…. Previous grade IF I study for 42 minutes/night (CAUSE) THEN my biology grade will increase by 10% (EFFECT) Do not study sporadically, don’t use different study methods

9 ISN page 13, Scenario #5 IV = Test DV = Outcome Constants = Control =
Hypothesis = Improvement = Certain drug Memory Equal amounts of drug, Same # in group size same length of time, same test Previous grade IF given 5mL of Drug A (CAUSE) THEN memory will increase (EFFECT) More trials; results inconclusive  test result same

10 Stop Think And Review Questions before we move on? Hypothesis
Independent Variable Dependent Variable Control Group Experimental Group Constants

11 Last JOB TODAY Complete More Practice, Identifying Parts of Exp. on p of NB BTW…You MUST be able to do this ON YOUR OWN!

12 Stop Think And Reflect Did we reach our goal?
Identifying Parts of an Experiment Did you reach that goal? How do you know you reached the goal? What are YOU going to do if you did not reach that goal?? 12

13 Study for MiniSummative #1 tomorrow!
EOCA = End of Class Assignment Be the change you wish to see in the world 13 13

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