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Bell Ringer Prompt: How can the following sentence be fixed? Sentence: When John laughed. When finished, write down your homework in your planner. Then,

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2 Bell Ringer Prompt: How can the following sentence be fixed? Sentence: When John laughed. When finished, write down your homework in your planner. Then, get out a book to read.

3 Look at the map of Jack Gantos. Write down 2-3 noticings.

4 Neighborhood Map Map is one specific place. The author added pictures of people, animals and objects connected to the place. Includes SMALL MOMENTS.

5 Here’s my goal: My goal for my writing is to use details that transport my reader to feel like they were in the moment with me.

6 Story Map Think of a place that matters, where you’ve lived a lot of your life. Talk with a partner and share what you would put on your map. Create your map. When complete, select ONE thing you can write your personal narrative about. Begin writing your personal narrative. Include the 3 things you wrote down for things you can “steal”.

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