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Root Words 3rd Quarter 10th Grade.

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Presentation on theme: "Root Words 3rd Quarter 10th Grade."— Presentation transcript:

1 Root Words 3rd Quarter 10th Grade

2 Root Words sens seque sol spec string tact vol

3 Root Words Sens sensory, sentimental, sense
Seque sequel, sequence, consecutive Sol solar, parasol, solarium Spec specimen, spectacle, prospect String stringent, restrict, boa constrictor Tact tactile, intact, tangible Vol malevolent, benevolent, volunteer

4 Root Words Sens feel Seque follow Sol sun Spec look String draw tight
Tact touch Vol will

5 Commonly Confused Words
irregardless: regardless: waste: waist:

6 Commonly Confused Words
irregardless: At the hospital, we try to aid everyone who is injured, irrespective of whether or not he/she can pay. regardless: Regardless of what my mom says, I will still go to the party on Friday. waste: Do not waste drinking water. I am wasted after that run. waist: The waist on this suit is too tight.

7 Commonly Confused Words
irregardless: redundant form of regardless would technically mean regardful: a blend of irrespective & regardless from 1912… regardless: without having regard waste: noun, verb or adjective: kill (slang), wear away, weaken, materials left over… waist: the part of the body between the hips and the ribs; midsection of something (airplanes, clothes, ships, etc.)

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