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Dystopian Literature Discussion Questions.

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1 Dystopian Literature Discussion Questions

2 Is Brave New World in any way realistic. Or, is it too far-fetched
Is Brave New World in any way realistic? Or, is it too far-fetched? Explain.

3 Which current trends, social norms, or political systems Brave New World criticize?

4 What lessons about the world or life can be learned from Brave New World?

5 Which types of control are being used. Technological. Corporate
Which types of control are being used? Technological? Corporate? Moral/religious? Totalitarian? Military? Explain.

6 In A Clockwork Orange, a character asks, “Is it better for a man to have chosen evil than to have good imposed upon him?” What are your thoughts on this statement?

7 Reflect on the following quotation: “Dystopian fiction is what happens when you take what happens to marginalized people and apply it to everyone.”

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