#2 Grade Name:_________________ Hour: ________

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Presentation on theme: "#2 Grade Name:_________________ Hour: ________"— Presentation transcript:

1 #2 Grade Name:_________________ Hour: ________
Algebra 2 CNU Sect 2 WS #2 Grade Name:_________________ Hour: ________ #’s I had trouble with: _________________ Simplify each. 1) 2) 3) Solve each quadratic. 4) x2 + x + 1 = 0 5) 2x2 + 7x – 13 = 0 6) x2 – x – 5 = 0 7) 0 = 3x2 – 4x + 4

2 Review Solve. 8) 2x2 + 5 = 2x 9) 2x2 – 3x = 8
10) Your frisbee is stuck in the tree at about 24 ft off the ground. You toss a ball to try to dislodge it. The ball is tossed from a height of 5 ft at 30 ft/sec. Will you be able to hit the frisbee? Justify your answer. Review Factor completely: 20x2 – 18x – 14 12) Find the intercepts of 2x – 6y = 36 13) 14)

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