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SLPS Welcome School Submitted by: Nahed Chapman

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1 SLPS Welcome School Submitted by: Nahed Chapman
Executive Director, English As A Second Language Dr. Carlinda Purcell, Chief Academic Officer Please note: Read the notes section of all slides for instructions regarding minimum and maximum font sizes for bullets within the presentation.

2 Overview: To provide an overview of the Welcome School and convey the need for a comprehensive English Language Learners (ELL) newcomers school for students in kindergarten to ninth grade. Please note: The bullet points should be brief and include highlights.  There has been a tendency in the past for too much text that is then read word-for-word during the presentation. The minimum font size for bullets should be Arial 20 or the maximum font size for bullets should Arial 24 St. Louis Public Schools 5/22/2019

3 Background The are 15,000 students served in Newcomer Programs nationwide, 56% are full day, 96% have certified ESOL teachers, 89% guidance counselor, 83% employ bilingual paraprofessionals, 38% enroll students for more than 1 year, 76% are in urban metropolitan areas. ESOL Program annually enrolls an average of new ELLs. Seventy percent (70%) are ELL students with interrupted formal education (SIFE) and/or with limited or no prior schooling. 97% of ELL 2008 dropouts were previous SIFEs. According to data provided by DESE, no SIFEs achieved “proficient”, AYP or Annual Measurable Academic Objectives (AMAO) #2 and #3. Please note: The bullet points should be brief and include highlights.  There has been a tendency in the past for too much text that is then read word-for-word during the presentation. The minimum font size for bullets should be Arial 20 or the maximum font size for bullets should Arial 24 St. Louis Public Schools 5/22/2019

4 Current Situation: SLPS provides cultural orientation services for students upon enrollment. Newcomers are assigned to 16 different ESOL centers according to age and block assignment, with many families assigned between 3 school levels. Newcomers are mainstreamed into schools where ESOL staffing is below DESE teacher-student ratio recommendations. Newcomers are not receiving the recommended minutes of instruction recommended by DESE. Please note: The bullet points should be brief and include highlights.  There has been a tendency in the past for too much text that is then read word-for-word during the presentation. The minimum font size for bullets should be Arial 20 or the maximum font size for bullets should Arial 24 St. Louis Public Schools 5/22/2019

5 Proposal : Establish a Welcome School that
is welcoming and nurturing with strong connection to family and community serves students in kindergarten through ninth grade serves newcomer students with less than 3 years in US who have limited English proficiency and/or interrupted formal schooling has small class size, age appropriate materials and curriculum, Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol (SIOP) trained faculty and staff with focus on initial literacy development has voluntary and temporary enrollment has strong student support through social work intervention Progress will be monitored through Entrance and exit assessments - State and District assessments Checklists, rubrics, progress reports - Cultural adjustment survey Please note: The bullet points should be brief and include highlights.  There has been a tendency in the past for too much text that is then read word-for-word during the presentation. The minimum font size for bullets should be Arial 20 or the maximum font size for bullets should Arial 24 St. Louis Public Schools 5/22/2019

6 Proposal Advantages Improve dropout and graduation rates
Increase student performance outcomes for LAS Links, MAP, AMAO Streamline and provide newcomer services in one location Create welcoming first encounters for newcomer families in SLPS Allow time for newcomers to adjust to the American culture and to US educational system Save on transportation costs Develop positive attendance and behavior patterns Disadvantages Students in 9th grade must exit after 1 year Initially students will have limited exposure to mainstream High variation of student enrollment as students exist and others enroll throughout the year Please note: The bullet points should be brief and include highlights.  There has been a tendency in the past for too much text that is then read word-for-word during the presentation. The minimum font size for bullets should be Arial 20 or the maximum font size for bullets should Arial 24 St. Louis Public Schools 5/22/2019

7 Cost of Recommendation
Personnel Principal $95,000 Librarian $ 25,000 (.4 FTE) Nurse $45,000 School secretary $25,000 Equipment $68,000 Supplies $18,500 Printing $10,000 Postage $ 1,800 Total $287,800 All are traditionally recurring costs for a school Please note: The bullet points should be brief and include highlights.  There has been a tendency in the past for too much text that is then read word-for-word during the presentation. The minimum font size for bullets should be Arial 20 or the maximum font size for bullets should Arial 24 St. Louis Public Schools 5/22/2019

8 Summation: Once approved, SLPS will be the first Midwest school District to offer a newcomer K-9 Welcome School. Newcomer students will achieve marked improvement in English language proficiency and mastery of academic content as evidenced by LAS Links and MAP. Newcomer students will achieve higher levels of social adjustment resulting in improved attendance rate, graduation rate and decrease in the number of discipline referrals. If the Welcome School is not approved SLPS ELL will continue losing students, with ELLs failing to meet AMAO #2 and #3, failing to make AYP, as well as struggling with attendance, dropout and graduation rates. Once approved, the next steps will include identifying location, recruiting and hiring staff, and identifying students for placement at the Welcome School. Please note: The bullet points should be brief and include highlights.  There has been a tendency in the past for too much text that is then read word-for-word during the presentation. The minimum font size for bullets should be Arial 20 or the maximum font size for bullets should Arial 24 St. Louis Public Schools 5/22/2019

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