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1) Based on what you found in lab, what substances contained sugars?

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Presentation on theme: "1) Based on what you found in lab, what substances contained sugars?"— Presentation transcript:

1 1) Based on what you found in lab, what substances contained sugars?
Warm-Up 2/19/14 Post-Lab Review 1) Based on what you found in lab, what substances contained sugars? 2) What substances contained starch? 3) What substances contained protein? 4) What substances contained fats or oils? 5) Based on what you learned about foods with carbohydrates, proteins, and fats, is this what you expected?

2 Write Introduction and Methods
Objective -Debrief lab Agenda Debrief lab Write Introduction and Methods

3 2) What are carbohydrates (sugars and starches), fats, and proteins?
Introduction Should answer the following: 1) What was the point of the lab? 2) What are carbohydrates (sugars and starches), fats, and proteins? 3) Give some food examples based on what you learned about last week. 4) What other background information does a reader need to know before reading the rest of your lab report?

4 Third person, past tense!
Methods In paragraph form, what steps did you take? Remember that some were different from what you originally wrote down. Third person, past tense!

5 -Hand-written Introduction -Hand-written Methods
Friday Check -Lab chart -Post-lab questions -Hand-written Introduction -Hand-written Methods

6 1) Recipe for pancakes (Thursday) -include ingredients and steps
Extra Credit 1) Recipe for pancakes (Thursday) -include ingredients and steps 2) Successfully make pancakes (Friday)


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