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English I Honors Vocabulary 4.

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Presentation on theme: "English I Honors Vocabulary 4."— Presentation transcript:

1 English I Honors Vocabulary 4

2 Abscond (v.) to run off and hide

3 Access (n.) approach or admittance to places, persons, things

4 Anarchy (n.) a lack of government and law; confusion

5 Arduous (adj.) hard to do, requiring much effort

6 Auspicious (adj.) favorable; fortunate

7 Daunt (v.) to overcome with fear, intimidate; to dishearten

8 Disentangle (v.) to free from tangles or complications

9 Fated (adj.) determined in advance by destiny or fortune

10 Hoodwink (v.) to mislead by a trick, swindle

11 Inanimate (adj.) not having life; without energy or spirit

12 Incinerate (v.) to burn to ashes

13 Intrepid (adj.) very brave, fearless, unshakable

14 Larceny (n.) theft

15 Pliant (adj.) bending readily; easily influenced

16 Pompous (adj.) overly self-important in speech and manner

17 Precipice (n.) a very steep cliff; the brink or edge of disaster

18 Prototype (n.) an original model on which later versions are patterned

19 Rectify (v.) to make right, correct

20 Reprieve (n.) a temporary relief or delay

21 Revile (v.) to attack with words, call bad names

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