Electron Configuration notes

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1 Electron Configuration notes

2 Hydrogen’s atomic orbitals
Principal Quantum Number (n): the number of atomic orbitals, (also called Principal energy level) As n increases, orbitals become larger and more energized These levels contain Energy Sublevels First energy level = 1 sublevel Second energy level = 2 sublevels Third energy level = 3 sublevels Fourth energy level = 4 sublevels There are a total of 4 sublevels: s, p, d, and f sublevels are broken down into orbitals a single orbital can hold 2 electrons TOTAL 1 orbital = 2 electrons 3 orbitals = 6 electrons 5 orbitals = 10 electrons

3 Periodic breakdown of the levels and sublevels

4 S-Sublevel The s-sublevel has a spherical shape
S-sublevel has only 1 orbital – it can only hold 2 electrons

5 P-sublevel P-sublevel is a dumb bell shape
p-sublevel has 3 orbitals – holding maximum 6 electrons

6 D-Sublevel D-sublevel has 2 shapes: a single dumb bell and two dumb bells together D-sublevel has 5 orbitals – holds 10 electrons

7 F- sublevel F-sublevel has many different complex shapes
F-sublevel has 7 orbitals – holds 14 electrons

8 Periodic Breakdown of levels and sublevels
Energy level 1 has 1 sublevel = s Energy level 2 has 2 sublevels = s and p Energy level 3 has 3 sublevels = s, p, and d Energy level 4 has 4 sublevels = s, p, d, and f

9 Electron Configuration
1s - 2s2p - 3s3p - 4s3d4p - 5s4d5p - 6s4f 5d6p - 7s5f6d

10 Electron Configuration
The arrangement of electrons in an atom Review: How many electrons can the s-sublevel hold? How many electrons can the p-sublevel hold? How many electrons can the d-sublevel hold? How many electrons can the f-sublevel hold? Where can each of the sublevels be found on the periodic table?

11 Let’s try Carbon: 1s22s22p2 Let’s try Aluminum: 1s22s22p63s23p1 Let’s try Iron: s22s22p63s23p64s23d6

12 Practice Problems: Element E-Config Argon 1s22s22p63s23p6 Calcium
Oxygen Silver Cobalt 1s22s22p63s23p64s23d7

13 Now you try: Do these in your notes
Element: E-Config: Fluorine Magnesium Sulfur Tin Strontium

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