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Ephrata Middle School Science Miss Rand Astronomy.

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Presentation on theme: "Ephrata Middle School Science Miss Rand Astronomy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ephrata Middle School Science Miss Rand Astronomy

2 Maria on the moon’s surface were
#1 Maria on the moon’s surface were Formed by ancient A: oceans B: Ice flows C: Lava flows D: Meteoroid impacts

3 Lava flows

4 Galileo saw that much of the Moon’s surface is covered
#2 Galileo saw that much of the Moon’s surface is covered With round pits called A: highlands B: craters seas C: D: Maria

5 craters

6 Different shapes of the moon Seen from earth are called
#3 Different shapes of the moon Seen from earth are called umbra A: eclipses B: penumbras phases C: D:

7 phases

8 During a total lunar eclipse
#4 During a total lunar eclipse The moon is in earth’s A: corona B: umbra C: penumbra D: orbit

9 umbra

10 Where might water be found
#5 Where might water be found On the moon? A: In the air B: Near the poles C: D: In the Maria Inside rocks

11 Near the poles

12 The space race was between
#6 The space race was between Soviet and China US and China A: B: Great Britain and Soviet US and Soviet C: D:

13 US and Soviet

14 The force that tends to pull Together the matter in stars is
#7 The force that tends to pull Together the matter in stars is Dark energy A: gravity B: Dark matter C: fusion D:

15 gravity

16 Earth’s axis is parallel to sun
#8 An equinox occurs when Neither end it tilted towards sun North end tilted A: B: South end tilted Earth’s axis is parallel to sun C: D:

17 Neither end is tilted towards or away from sun

18 Characteristics used to Classify stars include
#9 Characteristics used to Classify stars include Distance, size and color Size, distance and brightness A: B: Color, brightness, and distance Size, brightness and temp. C: D:

19 Size, brightness and temperature

20 The American program to land People on the moon was called
#10 The American program to land People on the moon was called Apollo A: Mercury B: Freedom Eagle C: D:

21 Apollo

22 The solar system formed from
#11 The solar system formed from A giant cloud of gas and dust A: An expanding galaxy B: C: An explosion D: A black hole

23 A giant cloud of gas and dust

24 The HR diagram shows that main sequence stars are
#12 The HR diagram shows that main sequence stars are A: Hot and dim B: Cool and bright Increasing brightness as they increase temp. Hot and bright C: D:

25 Increasing brightness as they increase in temp.

26 What layer are you looking At when you look at an image Of the sun?
#13 What layer are you looking At when you look at an image Of the sun? A: photosphere B: chromospheres C: corona D: prominence

27 photosphere

28 What do all the inner planets
#14 What do all the inner planets Have in common? All have water rings A: B: Many moons Rocky surfaces C: D:

29 Rocky surfaces

30 The atmosphere of the gas Giant planets cannot escape
#15 The atmosphere of the gas Giant planets cannot escape Into space because A: Gases are heavy B: Planets gravity is too strong They don’t C: planets are big D:

31 Planet’s gravity is too strong

32 Great Job!!!! Thank you for playing!

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