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Causes of the Civil War 1861-1865.

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Presentation on theme: "Causes of the Civil War 1861-1865."— Presentation transcript:

1 Causes of the Civil War

2 Vocabulary Nullification = the act of voiding or cancelling something
Tariff = a tax on imported goods

3 Who Fought? North = Union = Blue South = Confederacy = Gray

4 4 Main Causes of the Civil War
Slavery (duh!) States’ Rights Sectionalism Economics

5 Causes of the Civil War 1. Slavery
North - anti-slavery (have industries) South – pro-slavery (farmers) Became more of an issue because of incoming States.

6 Causes of the Civil War 2. Nullification & States’ Rights
North - wanted a strong federal government South - wanted states’ rights, thought they should be able to nullify (void) laws

7 Causes of the Civil War 3. Sectionalism
North - wanted to stay together South - wanted to form its own country West – wanted to stay together

8 Causes of the Civil War 4. Economics
North - industrial & wanted high tariffs (taxes) so the South would buy from them and no one else South - agricultural & didn’t want high tariffs; imported 90% of goods from Europe

9 North Strong federal government Majority of manufactured goods
Urban, factory workers Railroads Wanted to maintain the Union

10 South Agricultural Conservative Majority lived off their own farms
Slavery Wanted to secede

11 West Connected to North by railroads and canals Small population
Farmers, miners, cattle ranchers, etc. with few or no slaves Wanted to maintain the Union


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