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This is Jeopardy!.

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1 This is Jeopardy!

2 Chapter 10 J E T S 100 200 300 400 500

3 Topic 1: 100 FDR held these with American people to let them know what he was trying to accomplish.

4 A: Topic 1: 100 Fireside Chats

5 Topic 1: 200 Regulates the stock market to prevent fraud

6 A: Topic 1: 200 SEC – Securities and Exchange Commission

7 Topic 1: 300 Government insurance to protect peoples deposits up to a certain amount.

8 A: Topic 1: 300 FDIC – Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation

9 Topic 1: 400 FDR’s program that required farmers to not raise certain livestock e.g. Hogs, and not grow certain crops e.g corn, wheat, or tobacco.

10 A: Imperialism: 400 AAA – Agricultural Adjustment Administration

11 Imperialism: 500 During this period of Time FDR’s Presidency, congress passed 15 new programs to meet the economic crisis

12 A: Imperialism: 500 First Hundred Days

13 Topic 2: 100 Why did FDR choose advisors who would deliberately disagree with each other?

14 A: Topic 2: 100 He wanted to hear many different points of view, and it would allow him to make the final decision

15 Topic 2: 200 FDR Closed banks before bank runs could put them out of business- this was called:

16 A: Topic 2: 200 Bank Holidays

17 Topic 2: 300 Some people feared FDR would abandon the _____ _______ and reduce the value of the dollar in order to fight the depression

18 A: Topic 2: 300 Gold Standard

19 Topic 2: 400 What program built hydroelectric plants and dams aimed at improving seven southern states and attracting industry to the south

20 A: Topic 2: 400 TVA – Tennessee Valley Authority

21 Topic 2: 500 To generate new ideas and programs, FDR sought advice from a wide range of advisors from areas such as: (name 3 areas)

22 A: Topic 2: 500 Academia, business, agriculture, government, law, and social work.

23 Topic 3: 100 This program provided employment in construction of airports, parks, bridges, roads, and schools

24 A: Topic 3: 100 PWA – Public Works Administration

25 Topic 3: 200 This program employed single men ages 18-25

26 A: Topic 3: 200 CCC – Civilian Conservation Corps

27 Topic 3: 300 In addition to creating jobs, what was the purpose of the TVA

28 A: Topic 3: 300 Control floods, conserve forest lands, generate electricity

29 Topic 3: 400 This was a proposed PLAN that the federal government pay citizens over the age of 60 and pension of $200

30 A: Topic 3: 300 Townsend Plan (The Old Man)

31 Topic 3: 500 Opposed FDR’s “Deals” and felt the rich should pay more taxes and be limited to make 1 Million dollars

32 A: Topic 3: 400 Huey Long

33 Double Jeopardy Whos is it??
Out spoken, and opposed FDR – Once an advocate for the New Deal – called it Gods Deal – said FDRs presidency should be eliminated by a bullet:

34 A: Topic 3: 400 Father Caughlin

35 Topic 4: 100 This organization was put together to oppose the “New Deal” and teach the necessity of respect for the rights of people and property

36 A: Topic 4: 100 American Liberty League

37 Topic 4: 200 What new deal program helped farmers and homeowners?

38 A: Topic 4: 200 Home Owners Loan Corporation and the Farm Credit Administration

39 Topic 4: 300 One of the main purposes of the Townsend plan was to _________.

40 A: Topic 4: 300 Free up jobs. The elderly people take the $200 dollar retirement, the more jobs open for younger workers

41 Topic 4: 400 FDR caught a disease that left him with little use of his legs. What was the disease called?

42 A: Topic 4: 400 polio

43 Topic 4: 500 What 3 new deal programs provided work relief for the unemployed?

44 A: Topic 4: 500 Civilian Conservation Corps., Public Works Administration, Civil Works Administration

45 Final Jeopardy Place Your Team Bets!

46 Final Jeopardy What did the Resettlement Act Try to accomplish?

47 Final Jeopardy Assisted poor families and share croppers in beginning new farms or purchasing land

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