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By: Greg Reincheld and Rachael Snyder

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1 By: Greg Reincheld and Rachael Snyder
4.1 Polynomial Functions By: Greg Reincheld and Rachael Snyder

2 Degree of a polynomial: the greatest power on a variable Leading coefficient: coefficient of the variable with the highest degree. Zero/s of a function: value of x for which f(x)= Zero might be imaginary numbers

3 Fundamental Theorum of Algebra:
Every equation with the degree greater than zero has at least one root. Corallary to FTA: Degrees indicate number of potential roots.

4 If graph doesn’t cross the maximum number of possible times it has an imaginary root.

5 If graph is of an odd degree the graph will cross the x-axis at least once.
If graph is of an even degree it may or may not cross the x-axis, if it does it crosses an even number of times.

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