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Can everyone really follow the rules

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1 Can everyone really follow the rules
Puritan Rebels and the Growth of the Colonies Can everyone really follow the rules

2 New England Colonies environment
Mostly hills and low mountains Soil is thin and rocky Narrow plains along Atlantic coast, and river valleys Rich fishing grounds along New England coast Winters long and snowy Summers short and warm New England Colonies environment

3 Puritan “Rebels” Roger Williams young minister in Salem,Mass1635  found guilty of preaching newe & dangerous opinions and was exiled. Established Rhode Island. Roger Williams

4 Anne Hutchinson Challenged Puritan church teaching. The Church put her on trail for heresy. Found guilty! Annie and her 15 children were expelled from the colony. They traveled in the winter to R.I.. All but 1 member of her family were killed by Native Americans.

5 Thomas Hooker Thomas Hooker disagreed with Puritan leaders. He and his followers settled in Connecticut. They established the town of Hartford. Drew up the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut, a new government with a legislature and governor.

6 John Wheelright John Wheelright agreed with Anne Hutchinson He was forced to leave Massachusetts. Established New Hampshire.

7 New England Spreads Out
Population and dissent against the strict policies of the Church of England (Anglican church) cause people to expand the settlements. What did this cause? Problems with Native Americans

8 King Philip’s War By 1670’s Native American populations in New England were decreasing due mostly to disease. 1675 a Native American, Metacom, known to the English as King Philip, lead the Native Americans in a war against the English, What reasons do you think motivated the Native Americans to war against the English settlers?

9 Results of growth in the colonies
The loss of religious dominance in society. Puritan church (New England Way)had much less influence on how people lived. People concentrated on growing their farms and businesses less on the ideal society.

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