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Truman and the Cold War, 1945-1952 Period 8 (1945-1980) Ch.26 AP U.S. History.

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Presentation on theme: "Truman and the Cold War, 1945-1952 Period 8 (1945-1980) Ch.26 AP U.S. History."— Presentation transcript:

1 Truman and the Cold War, 1945-1952
Period 8 ( ) Ch.26 AP U.S. History

2 Baby Boom ( )

3 American Suburbia Causes Details Effects Postwar economic expansion
G.I. Bill Great Migration Interstate highways Rise of the Sunbelt Details Single-family homes Subdivisions and zoning Shopping malls Effects “White flight”

4 Harry Truman (D) (1945-1953) Fair Deal Labor Relations
"Every segment of our population, and every individual, has a right to expect from his government a fair deal.“ – State of the Union (1949) Labor Relations Taft-Hartley Act (1947) Prohibited closed shops, political contributions, sympathy strikes Permitted “right to work” states

5 Election of 1948 Harry S Truman (D) Strom Thurmond Thomas Dewey (R)
States’ Rights Party (Dixiecrats) Thomas Dewey (R)

6 Truman’s Fair Deal A continuation of New Deal-style social welfare programs 21-Point Domestic Program Expansion of Social Security Increased minimum wage Housing Act of 1949 Urban projects and public housing Prevention by Conservative Coalition National healthcare insurance Limited civil rights legislation

7 Legacy of World War II on American Foreign Policy
New World Order U.S. virtually unscathed from war destruction Imperialist powers and Axis belligerents weakened Decolonization Superpowers United States and Soviet Union State of Israel Involvement in Middle East affairs National and International Defense United Nations, Security Council, Central Intelligence Agency

8 Decolonization

9 Understanding the Cold War
Superpower nations after WWII Soviet Union = communism, police state United States = capitalism, democracy Cold War meant a “war of words” rather than outright conflict However, the Cold War includes episodes of “hot” conflicts in various regions around the world.

10 Iron Curtain German Occupation Zones Eastern Europe
Democratic Republic of Germany (East Germany) Federal Republic of Germany (West Germany) Eastern Europe Soviet Union did not withdraw its troops from occupied Eastern Europe Virtually forced communist regimes on Eastern European


12 Harry S Truman (D) (1945-1953) Containment
Truman Doctrine Provide economic and military support for nations threatened by communism Greece and Turkey National Security Act (1947) Department of Defense National Security Council (NSC) Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)

13 Nuclear Arms Race Nuclear weapon development Soviet Union
United States develops weapons with higher yields Soviet Union Detonated first nuclear weapon (August 1949) United Kingdom Detonated first nuclear weapon (October 1952) France Detonated first nuclear weapon (February 1960) China Detonated first nuclear weapon (October 1964)



16 Truman & Containment (1945-1953) Marshall Plan
European Recovery Program $13 billion in grants Rebuild and develop European infrastructure Designed to prevent communist uprisings or infiltration in vulnerable nations

17 Truman & Containment (1945-1953) Cold War Alliances
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Permanent alliance between U.S., Canada, and Western Europe If one member is attacked, all treaty nations will defend Warsaw Pact Soviet Union’s version of NATO Eastern European satellite nations

18 Occupation of Japan Reform Economic Recovery Peace and Alliance
Emperor as ceremonial role Democratization Demilitarization Economic Recovery Avoid communist incursion Peace and Alliance General Douglas MacArthur and Emperor Hirohito

19 Truman & Containment (1945-1953) Korean Conflict (1950-1953)
North Korean Invasion (1950) Advised by Soviet Union and China Truman and United Nations Intervention General Douglas MacArthur launched successful counterattack Repulsed to 38th parallel by Chinese support troops Armistice (1953) 38th parallel: Communist North and Democratic South Truman win/lose Containment worked “soft on Communism”

20 Second Red Scare (1947-1957) Government Policies
Loyalty Review Board McCarran Internal Security Act (1950)—illegal to support totalitarian gov’ts; authorized detention camps for subversives House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) Investigate Americans for pro-communist beliefs and blacklisting Senator Joseph McCarthy (R) McCarthyism Espionage Julius and Ethel Rosenberg


22 Second Red Scare (1947-1957) Cold War Fears McCarthyism Duck and Cover
Demographics: Republican Conservative Protestants and Catholics Blue-collar workers Tactics Media and Television

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