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LBJ Great Society.

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1 LBJ Great Society

2 The Program LBJ wanted for America = The Great Society!
Believed there were 7 ways to reach a Great Society 1.) Civil Rights 5.) Immigration 2.) Poverty 6.) Environment 3.) Education 7.) Consumer Protection 4.) Healthcare 8.) Housing

3 1. Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Civil Rights)
Outlaw discrimination based on race, protected AA vote Create EEOC 2. Economic Opportunity Act (Poverty) Social programs to promote health, education, & general welfare of the impoverished. Created Head Start and Job Corps.

4 3. ) Elementary & Secondary Edu. Act of 1965 (Education) A. $1
3.) Elementary & Secondary Edu. Act of 1965 (Education) A. $1.3 BILLION DOLLARS (Mooo-lala) B. Buy materials, textbooks, special education programs. C. 1st major aid bill for education

5 4. Medicare Act of 1965 (Healthcare)
A. Medicare = insurance for people 65+ B. Medicaid = insurance for people on welfare.  5.) Immigration Act of 1965 (Immigration) A. Before: National Origins Act of 1929 = set quotas on immigrants, would not let anyone Asian nationals in. B. After: No quotas.

6 6.) Wilderness Preservation Act (Environment)
A. Set aside forest land (9 mill +) B. Keep it clean for recreation  7.) Truth in Packaging Act (Consumer Protections) A. Had to let people know what they were getting. 8.) Urban Renewal (Housing) (HUD) A. Build ¼ million new low-income houses! Robert C. Weaver = 1st Afr. Amer. Cabinet Member.

7 Election of 1964: Candidates: LBJ & Hubert Humphrey (D) Vs. Goldwater (R) Won by majority: LBJ (486 electoral votes) Goldwater (52 votes)

8 LBJ’s Legacy: Passed a lot of bills. ??Got things done?? Seeds of Change: Civil Rights Movement & “War on Poverty” Spent a lot of $$$ Vietnam

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