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Fire Drill & Emergency Evacuation

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1 Fire Drill & Emergency Evacuation

2 EQ: How can I execute an exemplary emergency evacuation?
I can… …Line up quickly and quietly. …make sure the door is shut. … use the appropriate stairwells, report to the designated zone. …remain on VOICE LEVEL 0 and stay in a single file. …stay with the group until the all-clear signal is given.

3 Fire/Emergency Evacuation Procedure
Line up quickly and quietly. Last student is responsible for making sure the door is shut. Don’t worry about the windows! Do not stop to put on coats, or gather personal belongings. Using the appropriate stairwells, report to the designated zone. Remain on VOICE LEVEL 0 and stay in a single file Stay with group until the all-clear signal is given.


5 Why is it important to follow the process AT ALL TIMES?
Think & Discuss Why is it important to follow the process AT ALL TIMES?

6 Fire Zones - Based on the class you are attending.
PE, Music, Skinner – Front Sidewalk 8th , Magee, Valentine, Ragsdale – Baseball Field 7th, SI, Goley – 6th Grade Field

7 Evacuation Zones – Based on the class you are attending.
6th Grade Children’s Home Society Parking Lot 7th Grade Down Sullivan Street (perpendicular to Cypress) and next to the assisted living residences. 8th Grade Bob Dunn Ford Encore follows by grade level.

8 Remain on VOICE LEVEL 0 and stay in a single file
Respectful Using the appropriate stairwells, report to the designated zone. Outstanding Remain on VOICE LEVEL 0 and stay in a single file Accountable  Stay with group until the all-clear signal is given. Responsible Last student is responsible for making sure the door is shut. Line up quickly and quietly. Don’t worry about the windows!

9 “WALK THE WALK” Practice a fire drill.

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