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Using the Scientific Method

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1 Using the Scientific Method
Today’s date is This is a journal Entry

2 I. Ask a question, make an observation, or receive a problem
1.What are you curious about, or what have you seen that makes you ask a question. Question: Is warm air heavier or lighter than cold air? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3 II. Research Before you can make an Educated Guess(Hypothesis) you need to research the topic that the question or problem falls under. Your reseach here: __________________________________________________________________________________________

4 III. Write a Hypothesis 1.What do you think is the answer to your question or the reason for you observation? -It usually comes in the form of an if/then statement. 2. It must be a testable statement and research based. Hypothesis: Make your guess now! __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

5 IV. Do your test or Experiment
What will you do to test your Hypothesis Identify variables Perform your experiment Collect and review data Your hypothesis may not have been correct This may involve research or asking someone a question __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

6 V. State your Conclusion
What did your experiment show? Did you experiment confirm your hypothesis? List any reasons for error

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