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History of Technology Glogster

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1 History of Technology Glogster
By: Emily Marlow 6th Period History of Technology Glogster

2 What did you learn from doing this project?
I learned about the invention of the mechanical calculator and about many other early inventions that we use everyday. I also learned about the different types of technology that we use which are agricultural, communication and info., construction, energy and power, manufacturing, medical, and transportation.

3 What was challenging about this project?
Finding reliable information about the mechanical calculator was challenging. There were two different people who were said to have invented the mechanical calculator so it was difficult to sift through the information and find the truth about the invention.

4 How can you use what you learned from this project in the future?
If someone asks me what technology is or if what use the item was made for then I will be able to tell them and give them a bit of background information.

5 How did you use math, science, history, and English in this project?
I used English to write the project and to make sure that all my grammar in the project was correct. I used history to get all the information I needed for the project and to learn more about the invention. I used math to keep all of the text boxes and fonts on my glog proportionate. I used research skills learned in science to find all of the information about my invention.

6 What is something about technology that you’ve learned this semester that you didn’t know before?
I learned that technology comes in many different forms and has many different uses. Before, I thought that only things like computers, phones, and iPods were technology but then we learned that technology was anything that helped to solve a problem.

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