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The Career Planning Process

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Presentation on theme: "The Career Planning Process"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Career Planning Process

2 What’s My First Step? Seinfeld - Costanza ponders about potential jobs

3 Step 1: Self Information
Exploring your values, beliefs, interests, personality and skills

4 Step 2: Identifying Alternatives
What jobs are right for me? Finding out what careers are available in the current/future market and which ones will complement your “self information”.

5 Step 3: Researching Finding out specific information about each of the careers. For example: salary, work environment, skills needed, education/training needed.

6 Step 4: Decision Making Narrowing down your career choices to one or two careers

7 Step 5: Action Planning Applying for school/courses, making a resume, applying for jobs

8 Employability Skills

9 Hard Employability Skills
These skills are job specific. One may develop these skills through training for a specific area With your partner, identify a career choice and discuss some example of skills that may be job specific for that career.

10 Hard Employability Skills
Welding Typing Metal fabricating Hairdressing Chef Seamstress Athlete Pilot

11 Soft Employability Skills
Soft employability skills are transferrable skills Generic skills, attitudes, & behaviour that employers look for in potential employees. There are 3 kinds of soft employability skills:

12 Academic Skills Problem solving skills Learning Communication skills
Analytical and Critical thinking Learning Communication skills Manage information Use number

13 Personal Management Skills
Positive attitude and behaviour Being responsible Keeping track of your own progress Organized Time management Being adaptable Continuously learning Work Safely

14 Teamwork Skills How well you work with others
Participates in projects and tasks

15 FYI Employers rate “soft skills” as very desirable when looking to recruit new employees. Excellent communication skills, team-working, creativity, problem-solving, and organizational skills are highly sought after by employers from across all sectors.

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