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2/19/18 - POD FIRST, submit PODs in the black trays. Then, start a new page for PODS. POD #1 - Asteroids are made up of similar components that make.

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Presentation on theme: "2/19/18 - POD FIRST, submit PODs in the black trays. Then, start a new page for PODS. POD #1 - Asteroids are made up of similar components that make."— Presentation transcript:

1 2/19/18 - POD FIRST, submit PODs in the black trays. Then, start a new page for PODS. POD #1 - Asteroids are made up of similar components that make up terrestrial planets. Therefore, what are asteroids made of?

2 Asteroid Notes 2/19/18 Key Points: 1. What is an Asteroid? 2. Sizes and Shapes of Asteroids? 3. Asteroid Belt 4. Ceres

3 1. What is an asteroid? A. Asteroids are small rocky bodies that revolve around the sun. B. Asteroids are thought to be left over from the formation of the solar system.

4 2. Sizes and Shapes of Asteroids?
A. Size A few meters to more than 900 kilometers in diameter. B. Shape Asteroids have irregular shapes, but some are spherical, or round.

5 Famous Asteroids Hektor Ida and Dactyl


7 3. Asteroid Belt A. The asteroid belt orbits between Mars and Jupiter. B. Most asteroids orbit the sun in the asteroid belt. C. Contains at least 40,000 asteroids that are more than 0.5 miles across.


9 4. Ceres A. Ceres was an asteroid, but now it is a dwarf planet. B. It was the largest known asteroid. C. Located inside the Asteroid Belt

10 Ceres: was an asteroid, now a dwarf planet
Observations of 1 Ceres, the largest known asteroid, have revealed that the object may be a "mini planet," and may contain large amounts of pure water and ice beneath its surface

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