Charting the 3 Branches Get out your Constitutional Card Sort matrix

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Presentation on theme: "Charting the 3 Branches Get out your Constitutional Card Sort matrix"— Presentation transcript:

1 Charting the 3 Branches Get out your Constitutional Card Sort matrix
We will use the chart provided to transfer your answers from the matrix.

2 Legislative House of Representatives 1. serve a 2-year term 2. Must be 25 years old 3. Can propose tax laws 4. Can impeach the President

3 Legislative (cont…) Senate 5. Serve a 6-year term 6. Must be 30 years old 7. Approves Presidential appointments 8. Approves treaties 9.Tries the President after impeachment

4 Legislative (cont…) Both together 10. Can propose laws 11. Can declare war 12. Can override the president’s veto with 2/3 vote 13. Can propose amendments to the Constitution with 2/3 vote.

5 Executive 14. Serves a 4-year term 15. Must be at least 35 years old 16. Approves or vetoes laws 17. Makes treaties with other countries 18. Nominates judges 19. Appoints cabinet members 20. commander-in-chief of the armed forces

6 Judicial 21. Supreme court judges serve for life. 22. Can declare laws unconstitutional 23. Can settle disputes involving the U.S. 24. Can settle disputes between states 25. Chief justice presides over impeachment trials of the President.

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