Professional Learning Communities Day 2

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1 Professional Learning Communities Day 2
Norms and Mission Statement Development

2 Katzenback and Smith, The Wisdom of Teams
Why Norms? “At the heart of team interaction lies a commitment-building process. The team establishes a social contract among its members that relates to their purpose, and guides how they must work together. At its core, team accountability is about the promises we make to ourselves and others. These promises strengthen 2 critical aspects of teams: commitment and trust.” Katzenback and Smith, The Wisdom of Teams

3 How do we create Norms? Norms clarify expectations of all team members. All voices heard during the creation. Norms are stated as commitments to act in certain ways. All members committed to honoring the norms. Dufour, Richard, Dufour, Rebecca, Eaker, R., & Many, T. (2010). Learning by Doing: A Handbook for Professional Learning Communities at Work. Bloomington, IN: Solution Tree Press

4 Norms of High Performing Teams
Consider matters from another’s perspective Willingness to confront norm violators Seek feedback on team effectiveness Maintain a positive outlook and attitude Proactive problem-solving Communicate with positive regard, caring, and respect Awareness of PLC’s impact on the entire school Consensus Building Strategy

5 Tool for Creation of PLC Norms
Warhawk norms

6 Building the Foundation of a Professional Learning Community
The most important question in any organization has to be “What is the business of our business?” Answering this question is the first step in setting priorities. - Judith Bardwick, The Leader of the Future

7 PLC Mission Statement Why do we exist?
What are we here to do together? What is the business of our business?

8 Individual Reflection
What promises will I make to ensure our team fulfills its mission? When students leave you, how do you want them to be different as people? What are your fundamental beliefs about how children learn? What’s your role in making that happen?

9 Develop a Team Mission Consider your individual reflection& the 6 PLC practices of a plc (Learning focus, collaborative teams, best practices, learning by doing, results, and continuous improvement)

10 Be prepared with current material for Day 3
The PLC Journey Be prepared with current material for Day 3

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