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Writing Workshop September 17, 2014.

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1 Writing Workshop September 17, 2014

2 Personal Narrative Point of View Is your story in 1st person?
If there is any other Point of View, is it guarded by quotation marks Format Is your paper multi-paragraph? Does it need to be double spaced? Name is clearly displayed

3 Beginning Do you have a strong hook/lead?
Does it engage the reader and make them want to read more? What type of Lead is it? Action, Dialogue, Reaction? Do you provide background information? Setting is described Characters are introduced Are you telling a story or relaying an event? What is the incident?– Highlight in Green How did the incident come to be? What sort of choices are you presented with? Do you have a thesis statement or main idea about your paper?

4 Middle What is the response?
Do you have any consequences?– Highlight in Pink How do your consequences affect your choice? Change in Time? Does your story move? Are there transitions in your story? What is the emotional shift? How do you describe the connection between the emotions and the your choice?– Highlight in Yellow Sensory Details? Circle examples of Sensory Details or Figurative Language

5 The End What is the reflection? Do you have an immediate reaction?
How do you feel afterwards? Highlight in Green What were your thoughts? Highlight in Pink How was the problem solved or what did you decide? Highlight in Yellow Lesson Is there a lesson? Highlight in Green How has the lesson impacted your life? Highlight in Yellow

6 Mechanics Do you have dialogue? Is it punctuated correctly
EX: My mother screeched, “Spencer Lewis! You need to get down from that roof right now.” Do you use advanced punctuation? Is it used correctly? Identify any dashes, semi-colons, commas Do you use Parallel Structure? Are there examples of Looping in place? Do transitions help the coherence of your paper?

7 At this time… Begin looking over your draft.
Discuss with your Writing Group what you found you need to change. Ask for some feedback. How can your partners improve their story? What would make it stronger? What can the writer take out or what makes the story weak? Take Notes based on the Feedback to include in your Revision Plan.

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