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66 Schools 38 Nations.

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Presentation on theme: "66 Schools 38 Nations."— Presentation transcript:

1 66 Schools 38 Nations

2 Romania

3 Ukraine

4 Singapore

5 Cambodia

6 Its Mothers’ Day! Elephant: Why do mother kangaroos hate rainy days? Hippo: I give up. Elephant: Because their kids have to play inside! A mother mouse and a baby mouse are walking along when suddenly a cat attacks them. The mother mouse shouts “BARK!” and the cat runs away. “See?” the mother mouse says to her baby. “Now do you see why it’s important to learn a foreign language?” Robbie: Larry’s mother had four children. Three were named North, South and West. What was her other child’s name? Bobbie: East? Robbie: No. Larry.

7 Mothers on Mission Paul: (1 Thess. 2:6-9) Giving Life Nurturing
Teaching Protecting Deborah: (Judges 5:7)


9 John 4 Dorcas Acts 9:36-41


11 Lois, Eunice 2 Tim. 1:5

12 Singapore

13 Mark 7:32 Decapolis: Deaf lay hands on


15 John 12:3 Mary anointing Jesus’ feet
Acts 16:14-15 Business woman using her resources



18 Matt. 19:13-14 Suffer the little children

19 Mothers at Home (Fathers Too)
Giving Life Nurturing Teaching Protecting Insert Your Name


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