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Transcription Protein Synthesis.

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1 Transcription Protein Synthesis


3 Protein Synthesis: Step 1
Transcription: process in which RNA is made from DNA Must take place in the NUCLEUS because DNA is too big to leave the nucleus.

4 Stages: RNA polymerase binds to a specific region of DNA called “promoters” – which are markers that indicate the beginning of a gene The DNA molecule will separate at that site only Only one strand (the “template”) will be utilized

5 Making RNA DNA RNA G C T A U
3) RNA polymerase attaches to the nucleotides to start adding the complimentary RNA nucleotides to form a new RNA molecule DNA RNA G C T A U

6 4) RNA polymerase will continue to add nucleotides until it reaches a “termination signal” which marks the end of the gene. 5) RNA polyermase will release both DNA and the newly formed RNA molecule


8 Messenger RNA Messenger RNA is responsible for taking the instructions on how to make proteins out of the nucleus and delivering them to the ribosomes (where proteins are made) mRNA is a long strand of nucleotide bases that are organized into groups of three nucleotide bases called CODONS

9 Practice Transcribe the following DNA sequences into the appropriate mRNA sequences AGCTGGCAATCG UCGACCGUUAGC CGGCTATACGAT GCCGAUAUGCUA 3) TAATCTCGAATCG AUUAGAGCUUAGC

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