Greek and Latin Roots Week 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Greek and Latin Roots Week 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Greek and Latin Roots Week 1

2 an Meaning: without; not Examples: anemia agnostic
deficiency in the part of the blood that carries oxygen agnostic person who is doubtful about something

3 acer/acid Meaning: harsh; bitter; sour Examples: exacerbate acidic
Increase bitterness; make worse acidic Very sour taste

4 Word Associations Which word goes with doubt?
Which word goes with “a sour taste”? Which word goes with blood? Which word goes with “to make worse”?

5 acu Meaning: sharp Examples: acuminate acuity
Tapering to a point; make sharp; taper acuity Sharpness of perception or vision

6 ad/ac/ag/ap Meaning: to; toward Examples: accord advent aggregate
Cause to agree; bring into harmony advent Arrival or coming aggregate Amounting to a whole; total appease Bring peace or calm to; to soothe

7 Word Associations Which word goes with total?
Which word goes with “to make sharp”? Which word goes with vision? Which word goes with harmony?

8 alt Meaning: high, deep Examples: altimeter altitude
Instrument that measures elevation altitude Height of something above a certain level

9 anthrop Meaning: mankind; human being Examples: anthropology
Study of man philanthropy Concern for human welfare and development; a love for humanity

10 Word Associations Which word goes with height?
Which word goes with “a love for humanity”? Which word goes with “a study of man”? Which word goes with “measuring elevation”?

11 arch Meaning: first; chief; rule; superior Examples: archaic monarchy
Out of date monarchy Supreme power held by a single person

12 astr/aster Meaning: star Examples: asterisk astronomy The sign *
Scientific study of the stars and other bodies in the universe

13 Word Associations Which word goes with power?
Which word goes with “a study of the stars”? Which word goes with a sign? Which word goes with “out of date”?

14 aud Meaning: bold; daring; listen; hear Examples: auditorium audacity
Part of a theater where the audience sits audacity Daring and adventurous

15 auto Meaning: self Examples: automatic autonomous
Self-acting or self-regulating autonomous Self-governing

16 Word Associations Which word goes with courageous?
Which word goes with “rule over oneself”? Which word goes with theater? Which word goes with “regulating your actions”?

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