How Do You Learn?.

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Presentation on theme: "How Do You Learn?."— Presentation transcript:

1 How Do You Learn?

2 The Core Domains and Modalities Visual Auditory Kinesthetic
These are the modalities in which we teach and learn. Visual Auditory Kinesthetic Interactive Cognitive Affective Psycho-Motor These are the domains in which we all learn and interpret knowledge.

3 Visual Cognitive Affective Psycho-Motor Kinesthetic Auditory
Tobias / Gregorc Gardner Visual Myers Briggs David Kolb Cognitive Affective Psycho-Motor Kinesthetic Auditory Interactive Gary Chapman Tim La Haye

4 Advice from Brain Researchers
The Best Frames of Mind for Learning

5 1. Intrinsic Motivation You have to own it!

6 2. Appropriate Stress X Stress Learning

7 3. When You’re in the “Flow”
This takes a little work and a knowledge of your own learning preferences.

8 4. When You’re Curious Focus on substance not style

9 5. You’re a little confused…
…for a short time - This is where asking questions really helps.

10 6.You search for personal meaning and patterns.

11 7. Your emotions are involved
Make a deliberate decision to change negative feelings and dig for what you value.

12 8. You are using what you already know.
Slum Dog millionaire Descartes - Cogito Ergo Sum

13 9. You understand that learning is both conscious and unconscious.

14 10. You are given a degree of choice…plus feedback.
You may need to seek this.

15 Developing Your Weaknesses
My friend Aaron Demeter. bIcc How Aaron Practices.

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