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The Iron Chancellor By Tom Peck

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1 The Iron Chancellor By Tom Peck
Bismarck The Iron Chancellor By Tom Peck

2 Introduction Prusso-German Statesman, who was the architect of German unification. First Chancellor of the united Germany. Dominated German and European politics for nearly 30 years. His legacy is still felt today.

3 Early Life Born in 1815 at Schönhausen, northwest of Berlin.
Although going to the university of Göttingen, Bismarck was not interested in academia 1847 was the turning point in his life. He married, underwent a religious conversion, and began his political career. Entered the Prussian legislature in 1847.

4 Rise to power Bismarck was a Prussian nationalist and monarchist.
King Frederick William appointed him ambassador to the German Confederation. Ambassador to Russia and France. Appointed premier of Prussia in 1862

5 The Wars Of Unification
Bismarck desired to create a strong, unified, German empire. He builds up the Prussian army “The great questions of the day will not be settled by speeches and majority decisions…but by blood and iron.”

6 War with Austria Starts the Seven weeks’ war against Austria and other German states. Schleswig-Holstein and Hannover incorporated into Prussia. The German confederation is replaced by a North German Confederation, under Prussian leadership Austria is not included in the new confederation.


8 War with France Bismarck wanted the southern states to join the confederation. A war was needed to unify the north and south. Bismarck provoked the French with insulting remarks. France declared war on Prussia. Bismarck got southern support due to anti-French feelings France was defeated by Prussian and German forces. 1871: Unified German empire. King William of Prussia crowned emperor at Versailles.

9 “I am bored. The Great things are done. The German Reich is made.”

10 Bismarck is made Chancellor of the German Empire
Goals: Build a powerful German state Create a German national identity Make Germany the primary power in Europe.

11 Domestic Policy Uniform legal codes, nationalized railways, and a national bureaucracy were created. Catholics: Suppressed as they undermined nationalism. However, 40% of pop. were Catholics Socialists: A large-scale program of health, accident, and old-age insurance introduced. Tried to direct support away from the socialists.

12 Foreign Policy Bismarck est. Germany as a European peacemaker and preserver of the status quo. Treaties and alliances with Russia, France, Britain and Austria to avoid conflict. Complex web collapsed, leading to World War 1.

13 Bismarck’s Legacy 1890: emperor William II dismissed Bismarck.
Two world wars and Nazism as a result of Bismarck? Germany depended on Bismarck's leadership. It collapsed when he left office.


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