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Language Arts: Monday 4-15

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1 Language Arts: Monday 4-15
Take out your Practice AIMS test you began on Friday. Finish what you did not get finished. When you are done, read an independent book silently. Also have your review packet out that is due today.

2 Language Arts: Tuesday-Wednesday I.N. 29
Have you ever kept a diary or journal at any point in your life? Why or Why not? If you have kept one, what did you write about? Have you ever passed notes in class? (Be honest;) What did you write about? Have your black textbook turned to page 145

3 Language Arts: Tuesday-Wednesday I.N. 29
We are going to practice the “diary” style of journaling. Write a diary entry about yesterday or today. Write about whatever you want in that context, but push yourself to not stop writing until the time is up. If you are completely out of ideas or finished, read a book until everyone is done.

4 Language Arts: Tuesday-Wednesday I.N. 29
Now imagine you are your parent’s age and read the diary entry you just wrote. Now write a short paragraph telling your reactions to reading about yourself when you were a middle school student.

5 Language Arts: Thursday-Friday
Begin by journaling about your week or day. You may write on a blank page in your I.N. or on a page that wasn’t fully used in the notebook. If you run out of things to write about, try making lists of things, people, places, ideas. It always helps me think of ideas to write about. Have your black textbook open to page 369.

6 Language Arts: Thursday-Friday
After we’ve read pages , we will split up into groups. You will only have a certain amount of time to talk about each question. Practice these skills as we discuss the following questions… What do you think the benefits are of taking the AIMS tests? What do you think students at Oakwood could improve on? (academically, socially, and as citizens) Do you think that Oakwood should have its own Jr. High School, separate from the elementary? Why or why not? (Practice disagreeing appropriately)

7 Language Arts: Thursday-Friday
What is one thing you could do to improve group work in this classroom? Think through all of the various assignments we’ve had over the course of the year. Think about problems that arose and how they could have been prevented. Write a short letter to your self in the future, reminding yourself of what to do in those sticky situations in groups and how to have better group work. (complete this on a separate piece of paper, fold it when you finish, and then read silently)

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