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Notes for Russian & Nazi Ideology

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1 Notes for Russian & Nazi Ideology
GPS 17 B, C & E GPS 18 B

The Russian Revolution came to be after many years of events that slowly simmered until it exploded in revolution. The Czars of Russia tried to continue with the ______________________ style of rule. Czar Alexander III: imposed strict ___________________ codes and even went so far as to have his secret police watch secondary schools and universities. oppressed other national groups within Russia Made Russian the official language and forbade the use of other languages - like Polish ______________ of were the target of persecution and organized violence broke out against the Jews. ABSOLUTE MONARCHY CENSORSHIP JEWS

Later when Nicholas II becomes Czar in 1894 he continues the ____________________. (total power) Russia tries to move forward - it industrializes and with foreign investment, build a ___________________ railroad. But, with industrialization, comes discontent. Revolutionary groups begin to form. One ?group who followed the teachings of _______________________, which believed that the ?"workers" would rule the country. the group who became dominate were the radical ?_______________________. AUTOCRACY TRANS-CONTINENTAL KARL MARX BOLSHEVIKS

The leader of the Bolsheviks was a man came to be known as _____________________. Because of his radicalism, he had to leave Russia and live in exile in Western Europe. Between 1904 & 1917 things were happening in Russia that also helped pushed them to Revolution The __________________________________ - Russia wanted control of Korea and Manchuria (in China) 2. The Revolution of workers went to the Winter Palace (Czar), to ask for better ____________________ conditions and personal _______________. The Czar's generals ordered soldiers to open fire on the crowds and more than 1000 were wounded and 100s killed. Hence the name ____________ _________________________. As a result of this the Russian Parliament, the __________________, was created. The members of the Russian Parliament wanted Russia to become a constitutional monarchy like _________________. The Czar didn't want to give up power and dissolved the Parliament. 3. Finally, 1914, because Nicholas II got Russia into WWI when they weren't ready, nearly 4 million Russian soldiers died within a year of getting into the war. Nicholas left the running of his government to his wife - who let ___________________ run things. He was murdered; Troops deserted - things were bad. LENIN RUSSO-JAPANESE WAR WORKING FREEDOM BLOODY SUNDAY DUMA BRITAIN RASPUTIN

5 LENIN The March Revolution (1917)
Textile workers led a strike - riots occurred - soldiers joined in with the rioters - the czar steps down and within a year he and his whole family are executed. _________________ returns to Russia. LENIN

Now that Lenin is back the Bolsheviks gain control of many of the _________________, which is like local groups of organized Russians who wanted change. In November, 1917 factory workers were able to storm the winter palace in Petrograd and took over the provisional government. They called themselves the _________________________________. Now that the Bolsheviks are in power, they order all farmland to be re-distributed amongst the peasants, and control of the factories to the workers. The most significant thing they did was to sign a peace agreement with _________________. In this agreement, the ________________________, they agreed to give a large part of land to Germany and their allies. Many Russians didn't like this agreement. SOVIETS BOLSHEVIK RED GUARD GERMANY BREST-LITOVSK

Civil War breaks out between the Red Bolsheviks and the ____________________. This army is a mixture of different groups who had different ideas of how things should be run. The US supported the ________________ army. The __________________ wins. Lenin restores order, and economically , by 1928 Russia is doing as well as they did before WWI. Politically, Lenin saw ______________________ as a threat and organized Russia into several self-governing republics under one central government. Russia, in 1922, was renamed the ____________________________________________________ aka the ________________. The Bolsheviks renamed the party the _________________________, which represented the classless society envisioned by Karl Marx. Russia is now under a dictatorship. Lenin died in 1924 and ___________________ came to power in (ruthless dictator) WHITE ARMY WHITE RED NATIONALISM UNION OF SOVIET SOCIIALIST REPUBLICS USSR COMMUNIST STALIN

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