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Stress and Health.

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Presentation on theme: "Stress and Health."— Presentation transcript:

1 Stress and Health

2 What is stress? Arousal of one’s mind and body in response to demands made on it Eustress Positive Distress Negative Stressor Frustration Daily hassles Life Changes

3 Conflict Approach-approach conflict Avoidance-Avoidance
Least stressful Each goal is desirable Avoidance-Avoidance Lesser of two evils Approach-Avoidance Good and bad at the same time Multiple Approach-Avoidance Several choices are present and each has positive and negative aspects

4 Personality and Stress
Type A More intense Do things faster More pressure placed upon themselves More prone to stress and health problems Type B More laid back Handle stress easier Less motivation

5 Responses to Stress Self-efficacy expectations Psychological Hardiness
Commitment Challenge Control Sense of humor Predictability Social Support

6 What happens to your body when stress occurs?
General Adaptation Syndrome The Alarm Reaction Fight or flight Sympathetic Nervous System is activated Adrenaline and noradrenaline Corticosteroids The Reaction Stage Find a way to cope with the stressor Exhaustion Stage Adrenal and other glands can no longer produce hormones Muscles are worn out Can develop serious health problems

7 Stress and the Immune System
Produces blood cells that destroy disease causing micro-organisms Steroids from the body suppress the functioning of the immune system Social support makes the immune system function better

8 Other Physical Responses to Stress
Headaches Tension Migraine More in Type A personalities Pollen, drugs, stress induced Heart Disease Higher blood pressure and cholesterol Cancer Immune system needed to fight off cancer cells Stress can cause cancer

9 Coping Mechanisms Defensive Coping Active Coping Substance Abuse
Aggression Withdrawal Denial, regression, repression, etc. Active Coping Sublimation Changing negative thoughts Relaxation Techniques

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