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By Student 1 And Student 2 8th grade 6th hour Date: 11/29/12

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1 By Student 1 And Student 2 8th grade 6th hour Date: 11/29/12
Dog Webquest

2 Family background In our family we have three sisters, and one brother living with us. The Sisters are between The Brother is 10. We live in the country with 200 Acers and 10 of it is yard. All of our area Is fenced in but pasture and yard is separated, so non of the dogs or other animals can get out. We have a cow, 6 horses, a goat, and a fish. Also we have chickens. All of our animals are taken care of and there is not that much traffic down our dirt road.

3 What type of dogs we want
We would like a Labrador Retriever to adopt.

4 Labrador Retriever The Labrador Retriever loves to learn , they are playful, they love to swim, and they are social dogs. They are family oriented, and field dogs. They are also calm house dogs. These kind of dogs will live up to 10 or 12 years and different sizes.

5 How they look when they are born or younger.
When they are puppies. They look like they are white as snow.

6 Colors Labrador Retrievers colors come in yellow, black, and chocolate colors.

7 Why we deserve this dog We deserve to adopt this dog because, we have enough land and love for it to ever have. It would live outside thought the day and comes inside thought the night. It would have the daily about of food to eat. When weather is bad the dog would come inside. The dog would have toys to play with and a pond to swim in. Also the dog would have a few other dog friends or kids to play with such as our brother and sisters.

8 The End………. Thank you for watching our presentation on why we deserve this kind of dog…….

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