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Earth Notes Chapter 12.

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1 Earth Notes Chapter 12

2 Rotation vs. Revolution
Rotation- spinning of earth on its own axis: 24 hours = 1 day = 1 rotation The Earth’s rotation causes night and day.

3 Revolution Earth’s movement around the sun is a revolution.
1 complete revolution = 1 year = days

4 The Seasons Equator does not experiences difference in temp. and daylight in seasons because it receives the most direct sunlight. Poles = extreme temp. differences. Winter in Alaska = 2 hrs of daylight, in summer = sun never sets. Seasons caused by the tilt of the Earths axis – tilted 23.5 degrees

5 June in the Northern Hemisphere
Axis tilted towards the sun. Summer – longer days, warmer temperatures NOT caused by the distance from the sun, caused by more direct sunlight.

6 December in the Northern Hemisphere
Earth’s axis pointed away from the sun. Winter = shorter days, colder temperatures, due to less direct sunlight and fewer hours of daylight.

7 Misconception Seasonal differences are NOT caused by changes in the distance from the sun. They are caused by changes in the amount of direct sunlight due to the 23.3* tilt of Earth’s axis.

8 June and December Solstice
June 21st = Summer Solstice Longest day of the year, considered first day of summer. December 21st = Winter Solstice Shortest day of the year, considered first day of winter.

9 March and September Equinox
Equinox is halfway between each solstice. Equinox – neither hemisphere is pointed towards or away from the sun. Equinox (equal night) 12 hrs day/12 hrs night March 21st – spring equinox, September 22nd – fall equinox.


11 Gravity and Motion Recall that gravity is a force that attracts all objects towards each other. Universal Law of Gravitation – every object in the universe attracts every other object.

12 Gravity and Motion The strength of gravity is dependent on 2 things: the mass of the objects, and the distance between them. If mass increases, gravity increases. If distance increases, gravity decreases. Weight – the force of gravity on an objects mass.

13 Inertia and Orbital Motion
Two factors keep Earth and the moon in their orbits – inertia and gravity. Earth’s gravity pulls the moon toward it, preventing the moon from traveling in a straight line. The moon keeps moving ahead because of its inertia.

14 Inertia Inertia is the tendency of an object to resist a change in motion.

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