Stages of Team Development

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1 Stages of Team Development
4/12/02 Stages of Team Development Estimated time required: .5 hours Goal Introduce team members to the concept of team building and that it is a process of developing a group of individuals into a team. To build awareness that this process has definite stages and that the team will operate differently at each stage. Each of these stages build on each other. Highlights of the Session Stage 1 Dependency - Orientation Stage 2 Conflict - Organization Stage 3 Coherence - Communication Interdependence - Problem Solving Process Equipment needed: Flip chart, flip chart markers (various colors), overhead projector 40 Hour Team Training

2 Why Teams? Higher quality decisions Better quality products
4/12/02 Why Teams? Higher quality decisions Better quality products Improved processes Blend knowledge together More autonomy Support for actions Overhead Master 40 Hour Team Training

3 Elements of a Team Tasks People Learning what the task is.
4/12/02 Elements of a Team People How people feel about each other. How people expect each other to behave. The commitments that people develop with each other. The kind of assumptions that people make about each other . The kinds of problems that people have in joining forces with each other in order to get work done. Tasks Learning what the task is. Mobilizing to accomplish the task Doing the work Overhead Master 40 Hour Team Training

4 Stages of Team Development
Participant Handout

5 Stages of Teams

6 Characteristics of a Good Team
4/12/02 Characteristics of a Good Team They have a shared goal that is worthwhile to them They have fun They celebrate their accomplishments They move toward a vision They are focused They are excited Overhead Master 40 Hour Team Training

7 Stages of Team Development
4/12/02 Stages of Team Development People Task Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Dependency Conflict Cohesion Interdependency Orientation Organization Communication Problem Solving Overhead Master 40 Hour Team Training

8 Stages of Team Development
4/12/02 Stages of Team Development People Task Leadership Dependency Conflict Cohesion Interdependency Orientation Organization Communication Problem Solving Directing Coaching Supporting Delegating Overhead Master 40 Hour Team Training

9 Dependency Stage - 1 “I” Needs “We” Needs “It” Needs “I” Needs
4/12/02 Dependency Stage - 1 “I” Needs “We” Needs “It” Needs “I” Needs Be valued Be accepted Be effective Be Respected Feel Safe “I” need not satisfied What are we doing here? Let’s get organized What is our goal? What do they expect us to do? 40 Hour Team Training

10 Conflict Stage - 2 “I” Needs “We” Needs “It” Needs “I” vs “We” Needs
4/12/02 Conflict Stage - 2 “I” Needs “We” Needs “It” Needs “I” vs “We” Needs Concerns about control Autonomy vs Team Rules How much do “I” have to give up for “We”? Can my need for self-esteem be met here? “I” need not satisfied My idea is, my way is … Win-lose conflict positions Leader centered decisions Use past solution to current problems 40 Hour Team Training

11 Cohesion Stage - 3 “I” Needs “We” Needs “It” Needs “We” Needs
4/12/02 Cohesion Stage - 3 “I” Needs “We” Needs “It” Needs “We” Needs Cohesion becoming important Members defend each other Win-win atmosphere Single leader less visible Shared authority and power Potential for Groupthink Working on “We” “and” vs “but” or “or” More maintenance acts: gatekeeping harmonising compromising encouraging 40 Hour Team Training

12 Interdependency Stage - 4
4/12/02 Interdependency Stage - 4 “I” Needs “We” Needs “It” Needs Balance: Basic I, We, It needs being met Balance between personal autonomy and Group needs More attention to task completion More experimentation More interest in life of team Indicators Interdependence; working together and independently Many supporting comments Free exchange of information Open conflict over ideas Members at ease and enjoy time together 40 Hour Team Training

13 Stages of Team Growth Knowns Interdependency Cohesion Unknowns Trust
4/12/02 Stages of Team Growth Knowns Interdependency Cohesion Trust Unknowns Conflict Dependency Fear 40 Hour Team Training

14 Stages of Group Development
4/12/02 Stages of Group Development Dependency Orientation Dependent Why are we here? What is our purpose? Concern with other members Key Issue: Inclusion Conflict Dissatisfaction Counterdependent Feelings of frustration and anger Negative reaction toward leader Slow task accomplishment Key Issue: Power/Control Cohesion Resolution Independent Resolve issues in relation to tasks Develop feelings of trust, respect and harmony Build self-esteem Key Issue: Mutual Respect Interdependency Production Interdependent Eager to be a part of the team Autonomy/interdependence Recognize, challenge & support each other’s competence & accomplishments Key Issue: Friendship / Intimacy Overhead Master 40 Hour Team Training

15 Team Building Communication Stages of a Team Goals Team Expectations
4/12/02 Communication Stages of a Team Goals Team Expectations Relationships within a Team Team Building Interdependency between Teams Team Work Decision Making within a Team Trust Conflict Management 40 Hour Team Training

16 Phases of Team Development
4/12/02 Phases of Team Development Individual Team Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Boss Leader 40 Hour Team Training

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