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1/31-phones away. If I see them, I will take them.

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Presentation on theme: "1/31-phones away. If I see them, I will take them."— Presentation transcript:

1 1/31-phones away. If I see them, I will take them.
You will need something write with. I am no longer supplying writing utensils. Set-up your notebooks for the next unit: Unit 9 Evolution Non-Mendelian & Biotech quizzes: Last day for re-takes. Potato Head has to be done by Friday! Available times to come in and work on it: Before school/After school today-Friday 2nd half of lunch Today & Thursday.

2 1/28-Happy Monday! Check skyward for test grades! You will receive re-take assignment tomorrow. Re-takes will be Wed-Fri. Set-up next Unit: Unit 9 Evolution

3 Introduction to Evolution

4 Objective for today We will introduce the theory of evolution and the scientists who contributed, along with their theories. I will create a graphic organizer that identifies the major contributors to the theory of evolution and their ideas.

5 What is evolution?

6 Is evolution still occurring?

7 Evolution Any change in the heritable traits of a population over time (successive generations).

8 Myth and Misconceptions about Evolution

9 Evolution Scientists

10 Charles Darwin 1809-1882 The Father of Evolution
Sailed on the HMS Beagle During his voyage, he made observations that led him to his THEORY OF EVOLUTION

A scientific explanation for the diversity of life, by proposing how modern organism evolved from common ancestors.

12 Many of Darwin’s conclusions were based on observations of wildlife in the Galapagos Islands.
The Galapagos Islands lie 500 miles west of Ecuador in the Pacific Ocean, directly on the equator. “Galapagos” means turtle.

13 After returning from the Galapagos and studying different types of plants & animals he collected during the voyage, Darwin concluded that organisms change over time…. Darwin called this… evolution which means change in species over time.

14 Jean-Baptiste Lamarck- 1809
French scientist, who in proposed a hypothesis for how organisms change over generations. One Of First Scientists To Understand That Change Occurs Over Time copyright cmassengale

15 Use or Disuse Theory Over the lifetime of an organism, physical features would increase or decrease in size because of use or disuse.

16 Lamarck’s Theory Theory: Changes Are Adaptations To Environment acquired in an organism’s lifetime. Use and Disuse Said acquired changes were passed to offspring-Discredited!

17 Thomas Malthus Wrote an essay in 1798 that said if the human population grew unchecked, there wouldn’t be enough living space and food for everyone. Forces controlling population: war, disease natural disasters and famine

18 Thomas Malthus

19 Alfred Wegener Most well known for his Continental Drift hypothesis (1912), which led to the modern science of plate tectonics. Shows the possibility that organisms living in different area were once related (common ancestry)

20 Continental Drift Hypothesis

21 Continental Drift Hypothesis

22 In 1910, upon examining a new map that included African and South American coastline research data, Alfred noticed that depth features for corresponding coastline contours of the two continents matched, but did not have time to think about it much until later, in 1911, when he read paleontological evidence of creatures existing on the two continents that could not possibly have crossed the vast ocean distances. 

23 Miller and Urey Experiment -1953
A chemical experiment that simulated the conditions thought at the time to be present on the early Earth Tested the chemical origin of life under those conditions. NNijmxsKGbc

24 The Miller Urey Experiment
Result of the experiment: The experiment showed that primitive Earth favored chemical reactions that synthesized more complex organic compounds (ex: amino acids)  from simpler inorganic precursors.

25 Which scientist is this?
Believed that an organism can change their physical trait and adapt to the environment. *Use and disuse Charles Darwin John Lamarck Alfred Wegener

26 Which scientists is this?
Believed that all continents were once a giant land. Continents started drifting apart. Charles Darwin John Lamarck Alfred Wegner

27 Which scientist is this?
Believed that if the human population continue to grow, there will not be enough supplies such as food and space. Charles Darwin Thomas Malthus John Lamarck

28 Which scientist is this?
Believed that modern organisms evolved from common ancestors Charles Darwin Thomas Malthus John Lamarck

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