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Unit 1: Foundations 9.29.15.

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1 Unit 1: Foundations

2 Entry Task In the video you watched yesterday, they state that the bottom 80% control only 7% of the wealth. The narrator also states that over the last years this inequality is getting worse. Why do you think this is the case? Can you offer up some ideas on what might be the cause of this type of growth of inequality?

3 Discussion What do these stats about wealth concentration in different countries suggest? Is inequality a problem world- wide?

4 Country % of wealth controlled by 10% US 75.4 Switzerland 71.5 Sweden 71.1 Israel 68.9 Norway 65.9 Germany 61.7 Singapore 61.1

5 Discussion Do you agree that government policies contribute to inequality? Is the government making inequality worse?

6 Discussion Do you agree with Gates’ points? Why or why not? What do you think about his comments in light of his being one of the 1%?

7 Discussion Is inequality is actually just a viable outcome of a growing economy and new innovations? Is inequality actually a sign of good things (freedom, economic growth, etc.)?

8 Discussion Is inequality inevitable in a free society? Does that mean it is not a problem?

9 Prediction Predict the median income for a family in the U.S.
The MIDDLE income. That means 50% of people have incomes higher, 50% have incomes lower.

10 And the answer is… Median income in the US: $51,939 Top 10%: $113,000
King County: $71,811 Poverty level for a family of 4: $24,250 4th period guess: $45k

11 Sorting Opportunities
In groups of 4, you will work together to match different opportunities into categories Opportunities available to people in the 10th percentile, median income, and the 90th percentile

12 Discussion In what ways does income impact life? Think about the examples from our activity. (where they live, where they work, how they get there, what they do for fun, etc) How much do these opportunities vary regionally? Think about living in the greater Seattle-area versus living in a small- Midwest town.

13 Vocab Classism: Differential treatment based on social class or perceived social class. Using terms like “ghetto”, “trailer trash”, and “hood rats” to put down and discriminate against others of lower socioeconomic status. Have you seen other examples of classism?

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