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The Awakening Vocabulary in Context

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1 The Awakening Vocabulary in Context
Unit 1: Equality and independence

2 Vocabulary List #1 1. Immutable (adj.) 2. Supercilious (adj.)
“Victor Lebrun objected and his decrees were as immutable as those of fate” (Ch. IX). Unchangeable “She was not a supercilious or an overly-dainty woman” (Ch. X). Behaving or looking as though one thinks one is superior to others

3 Vocabulary List #1 3. Droll (adj.) 4. Diminutive (adj.)
“Oftener than once her coming had interrupted the droll story with which Robert was entertaining” (Ch. IV). Amusing; funny “She had possession of the rocker, and she was busily engaged in sewing upon a diminutive pair of night-drawers” (Ch. IV). Small; tiny

4 Vocabulary List #1 5. Flippancy (n.) 6. Festoon
“’Don’t banter me,’ she said, wounded at what appeared to be his flippancy” (Ch. X). Lack of respect or seriousness “Some one had gathered orange and lemon branches, and with these fashioned graceful festoons between” (Ch. IX). (n). A chain or garland hung as decoration (v). To decorate

5 Vocabulary List #1 7. Evinced (v.) 8. Pretentious (adj.)
“…who was the sole object of his existence, evinced so little interest in things which concerned him” (Ch. III). Exhibited; clearly shown “Robert’s voice was not pretentious” (Ch. XIV). Attempting to be impressive by affecting more importance, talent, knowledge, etc. than is actually possessed

6 Vocabulary List #1 9. Sardonically (adv.) 10. Ennui (n.)
“Old Monsieur Farival laughed sardonically at something as he looked at the sails…” (Ch. XII). Showing disrespect or scorn for something not liked or approved of “It was not a condition of life which fitted her, and she could see in it but an appalling and hopeless ennui” (Ch. XVIII). A feeling of utter weariness and discontent

7 Vocabulary List #2 11. Suffused (v.) 12. Alacrity (n.)
“But his face was suffused with a quiet glow when he met her” (Ch. XII). Gradually spread through or over “Victor Lebrun, who happened to be in the city, bent upon relaxation, had accepted with alacrity” (Ch. XXX). Cheerfulness

8 Vocabulary List #2 13. Languid (adj.) 14. Nonplused (adj.)
“…knew that her fair friend did not leave the house, except to take a languid walk around the block” (Ch. XXV). Lazy, sluggish, slow “Arobin appeared nonplused, and asked Edna if there were any one else she cared to ask” (Ch. XXV). Confused and unsure how to react

9 Vocabulary List #2 15. Perambulation (n.) 16. Prolific (adj.)
“Edna and her father looked very distinguished together, and excited a good deal of notice during their perambulations” (Ch. XXIII). The act of walking about “He was prolific in pretexts” (Ch. XXVI). Producing a large amount or present in large quantities; plentiful

10 Vocabulary List #2 17. Remonstrance (n.) 18. Ensconced (adj.)
“…he immediately wrote her a letter of unqualified disapproval and remonstrance” (Ch. XXXII). An act or instance of objection/disapproval “Back in the yard was a room for servants, in which old Celestine had been ensconced” (Ch. XXXI). Settled; nestled

11 Vocabulary List #2 20. Sumptuous (adj.) 19. Subterfuges (n.)
“Why do you force me to idiotic subterfuges” (Ch. XXXVI)? Deceptions used to achieve a goal “…their handsome residence on Esplanade Street was undergoing sumptuous alterations” (Ch. XXXII). Entailing great expense; luxuriously fine or large

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