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2.2 Biologists use seven levels of classification.

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1 2.2 Biologists use seven levels of classification.
Vocabulary Genus Binomial nomenclature Dichotomous key

2 Linnaeus named about 4000 species.
Aristole- made 2 large kingdoms plant and animal based where they live Carlous Linnaeus – developed system for naming and organizing plants and animals Used appearance to group species 1.5 Million species named today Use physical and genetic evidence to name species today

3 Genus – group of species that have similar characteristics
Naming Species Genus – group of species that have similar characteristics Members of a genus are closely related Ex. Ursus –bears Ursus americanus Ursus maritimus

4 Binomial nomenclature
Naming Species Binomial nomenclature Linnaeus developed Binomial means two names Nomenclature means list of names A system of naming something using two names or words Most terms are Latin Describe characteristics Gracilis- graceful-slender Chamaeleo gracilis,Prinia gracilis,Psathyrella gracilis

5 Using Scientific Names
Help to avoid errors in communication Organisms with similar evolutionary history are group together Allows information to be organized and easily found Descriptive information about species Elaphe guttata, Huernia guttata, Stephanorrhina guttata (guttata spotted)

6 Using Scientific Names
When naming an organism use both the genus and species name Writing names: Genus comes first & is capitalized and in italics species name comes second in lower case and italics- Both underlined when hand written Homo sapiens - humans

7 Organisms can be classified into seven levels.
Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species

8 Organisms can be classified into seven levels.
Kingdom- contains most species-similar evolutionary history As the organism gets closer to the species level they share more or fewer characteristics. Genus- closely related Species- most specific-fertile offspring

9 Dichotomous keys and field guides help people identify organisms.
Dichotomous Key- a tool to help identify organisms May not use scientific names asks a series of questions that can only be answered in two ways. Answers to questions lead you to another two question that narrow down the list of organisms

10 Dichotomous keys and field guides help people identify organisms.
Field Guides- contain descriptions, photographs, pictures, and paintings to aid in identification of organisms Range maps Scientific names

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