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Presentation on theme: "PLANNING FOR AND IMPLEMENTING TECHNOLOGY"— Presentation transcript:


2 This chapter examines legal, ethical and Social issues that arise when a school implements technology, and the ways in which these issues are likely to affect administration teacher and their students.

3 Planning 2. Technological plans involves stakeholders which includes any interested parties and their perspectives. 1. Technological plans are strategic and take into account long range goals. After planning and the implementation begins technical issues will arise such as the use of legality, social and ethical issues.

4 THE LEGAL ISSUES These include 1 Copyright text 2. Videos 3. Graphics
4. Digital Divide As professionals you are responsible for being aware of these issues and act in accordance with professional ethics

5 COPYRIGHT AND FAIR USE Although materials protected by the copyright laws should not be generally used without the owners permission, in some occasions such use is allowed---FAIR USE

6 PRIVACY Every child in your charge has a right to privacy. The right to privacy is one of the most significant issues in the Digital Age both in Society and Education. One of the most significant violations of privacy relates to online privacy, internet sites that serve children. This lead to a congressional investigation resulting in the passage of the Children Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) 1998, and the Children internet Protection Act,(CIPPA) 2000.

7 C.O.P.P.A Protecting Children's Privacy Under COPPA

8 How does COPPA affect you
Typically you should get permission from a child guardian or parent, before posting anything that would otherwise be considered private. Posting work on the internet for example the child class, grades, class pictures or name can jeopardize the child’s safety, especially when the child turns in school work to you. you do not have the rights to share the child’s work publicly without the parents permission.

9 Privacy when students are not online must also be protected.
Software that manages grades and personal data should be protected, so that no one can access information without consent. Irresponsible sharing of network accounts can result in serious violation of the students rights.

10 FERPA Scenario for Faculty & Staff

11 Our Regular Teacher
The Law of Student Records Or ... FERPA Guy Explains it all to You!

12 ADA COMPLIANCE AMERICA DISABILITY ACT: Schools and government agencies must ensure that electronic technology must be accessible to students and persons with disabilities as those without. Ensuring that the school websites meet the needs of those with disability. Example, Grail typewriters or key boards, colour, size of fonts, background colour, and pictures alike, must be readable.


14 Just as how teachers do not allow unwanted printable work in the classroom, the teacher must also ensure that such material available to students via technology is kept out of the classroom. That their students do not violate the privacy of others, by uploading material inconsistent with classroom policy. This should also be included in the children’s AUP.

15 PRIVACY Do you really have a private life online? (social network privacy loss due to friends)

16 SOFTWARE PIRACY What Is Software Piracy

SOFTWARE PIRACY INCLUDES: 1. Teachers who pirate software by making duplicate copies. 2. Installing one copy on more than one machines in the classroom. 3. Teachers who know of and allow students to do so in their classroom. 4. When students offer you a copy of a new software they got, or from a friend.

18 ON LINE THEFT ( It’s Different)

19 SOCIAL ISSUES There are social issues that affect society in general, other than education. Equity and accessibility are the more pressing of all these social issues, having all student to able to access technology in their classroom. This is termed the Digital Divide: This occurs in households where parents cannot afford a home computer and a modem or internet access, compared to those who can. Students who come from wealthy backgrounds are a leap ahead because of readiness and home access to internet. Some schools are only equipped with one computer to a classroom, or in a library making user ability and accessibility difficult.

20 The Digital Divide also occur along the line of ethnicity, gender, and minority grouping. 1. Fewer women has computer related jobs 2. Boys are more encourage to do technology programs than girls, it reflects the math/science gender gap. 3. These gaps can help teachers to come more sensitive to students by ensuring a well accessible classroom by developing content lessons to help bridge technological inequities. 4. You can also give students feedback of resources that close to them in their communities.


A prime example of this issue is the recent phenomena of SEXTING. Student engage others of the opposite sex by posting messages and pictures of themselves, most time in nude images , and messages are often related to sexual conversations. This behavior has legal implications, even if it is done with students under the age of thirteen, amongst themselves, or at any age. It is considered participating in child pornography. Educators should explain to children and teens to become aware of the potential danger for future and present protection. The Chat Room- where unwanted conversation with strangers are violated

23 ETHICAL ISSUES The digital age has also engendered ethical concerns.
The significant of these are Freedom of Speech and the internet. Material on the internet is not regulated, some are grounded in scientific fact and academic research and others are personal information and viewpoints which can be offensive. The question arise, that if what is said should be censored or not, and whether the government has the right to do so. This has been an ongoing debate for a long time.

24 Privacy Yet another debate on ethical issues, relate to privacy versus control and monitoring . The controversy arose as to the rights of any agency, governmental or commercial organization being allow to closely monitor or record an individual personal activities online.

25 Hot on Your Trail: Privacy, Your Data, and Who Has Access to It IL

26 Academic Dishonesty Plagiarism: What is plagiarism and how to avoid it

In the planning process they are the key stakeholders, they advocate for their students in the use of appropriate and useful technologies. They must understand the social implications of technology to ensure equity to access, as well as help students protect themselves when using technology resources. Teachers must understand legal issues associated with technologies, to protect themselves and the School from litigation. Teachers must be prepared, stay current with technology and be aware of new technology.

28 ANY QUESTIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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