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Lessons XXII-XXIV Vocabulary

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Presentation on theme: "Lessons XXII-XXIV Vocabulary"— Presentation transcript:

1 Lessons XXII-XXIV Vocabulary

2 dea, deae (f.) goddess

3 deus, dei (m.) god

4 otium, oti(i) (n.) leisure, peace

5 studium, studii (n.) eagerness, interest, studies

6 liber, libri (m.) book

7 verbum, verbi (n.) word

8 commodus, commoda, commodum
suitable, convenient

9 varius, varia, varium changing, various

10 firmus, firma, firmum strong, firm

11 perpetuus, perpetua, perpetuum

12 plenus, plena, plenum full

13 tardus, tarda, tardum late, slow

14 dico, dicere, dixi, dictus
say, tell

15 fugio, fugere, fugi, fugiturus
run away, flee

16 valeo, valere, valui, valiturus
be strong, be well

17 afficio, afficere, affeci, affectus
affect, afflict with

18 gero, gerere, gessi, gestus
carry on, wage

19 incipio, incipere, incepi, inceptus
take on, begin

20 audio, audire, audivi, auditus

21 contineo, continere, continui, contentus
hold (together), contain

22 traho, trahere, traxi, tractus
draw, drag

23 ita (adverb) so

24 cum (preposition) + ablative: with

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