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1 Russia

2 Map: Physical

3 Physical Geography Major features Fun Facts
Ural (Right) and Cacausus Mountains Russian Steppe (Flat grassland) Lake Baikal (Deepest Lake) Volga, Don, Moskva, and Neva Rivers Song of the Volga Boatmen with video of the Volga River SRe1dsXs6_s Siberian Taiga (Coniferous Forest) (Bottom) Fun Facts Roughly 2x the size of the US Shares a border with 15 countries in 2 continents

4 Climate Deep Cold in winter Warm/hot in Summer (70’s to 100’s F)
Temps vary depending on region Climate zones include: Continental, Tundra, Sub-Arctic, and Arctic Sochi in Summer St. Petersburg in Winter ‘Ded Moroz’ (Grandpa Frost), the Russian Santa Claus

5 “Pod-moskovniye Vechera”
The “White Nights” Russian Lullaby Natural Phenomena where the sun doesn’t completely set Why? Because Moscow and St. Petersburg are so far north Pic of St. Petersburg at midnight during the ‘White Nights’ lasting from late may to early june

6 Human Geography Population: 142 million Ethnicities:
Russians: 77.7% Tatars: 3.7% Ukrainian: 1.4% Other: 17.2% (split between 200 other ethnic groups) Population Density: Concentrated mostly West of the Urals in the cities. Pockets of density found around stops along the Trans-Siberian Railroad Major Cities by Population: Moscow, St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Ekaterinburg, Nizhniy Novgorod, Samara, Volgagrad Government: “Semi-presidential Federation” (Really an Autocracy under Putin, but don’t tell anyone) Current Leaders: President Vladimir Putin and Premier Dmitrii Medveydev

7 map

8 Culture of Russia East Meets West
‘Chai’ tea, black bread, beet soup (Borsh’), pickles, and ALL of the sour cream and dill Russian Samovar (Tea cooker)

9 Russian Culture Russian Nesting Dolls (got the idea from Japan)
Faberge Eggs (got the idea from France) Black Lacquer Boxes (Homegrown)

10 Religion in Russia Predominently Russian Orthodox Christian
Roughly half of the population Official Religions: Orthodox Christianity, Islam, Judaism, and Buddhism

11 Russia Today Russian annexation of Crimea Russia vs ‘The West’
Russia orchestrated and annexed the Crimean Peninsula from Ukraine, helping the Ukrainian Civil War become more violent Has been supporting Eastern Ukrainian Rebels (The Donbass) who want to become independent from Ukraine, and join the Russian Federation Russia vs ‘The West’ Russia under Putin sees itself as fighting to preserve its own culture, history, and heritage against the influence of ‘The West’ (Europe and the US). Believes in traditional ‘Russian’ values such as ‘traditional families’ and ‘traditional culture’ that often times clash with Western values Russia has used this as an excuse to oppress minorities in their country Church and State are intrinsically linked, not separated.

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