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AS Language Transition to A2.

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1 AS Language Transition to A2

2 Starter Get your data out!
Talk to your peers about the transcripts you collected and what your annotations have revealed so far Consider problems and issues as well as successes

3 This week Your focus for this week is to produce your 2000 word report on “What my language reveals about my identity” You should have your three annotated transcripts, and you will have the rest of this week to respond to your data and type the assignment In Monday’s lesson next week, you will have lesson time to finish off the report before submission

4 The report You will then write a 2000 word report with the title “What my language reveals about my identity”. You can structure it as follows: Paragraphs 1-3: About 300 – 400 words Introduction (Who am I? A personal language biography e.g. regional dialect features due to where you were born/ brought up - accent features - influence of education - influence of parents’ language - other languages you speak - influence of education – codeswitching – bidialecticalism etc…

5 The report You will then write a 2000 word report with the title “What my language reveals about my identity”. You can structure it as follows: Paragraphs 4-6 : 600 – 700 words total Language and situation: how my language varies according to context (3 paragraphs responding to each of the three transcripts you have collected)

6 The report You will then write a 2000 word report with the title “What my language reveals about my identity”. You can structure it as follows: Paragraphs 7-8: 600 – 700 words total analysis by language method: (2 paragraphs) Choose 2 language methods from the following: phonology (i.e. my own accent features); lexis (do I use standard- non-standard lexical choices or a mixture?); grammar (do I use standard /non-standard grammatical choices or a mixture); discourse and pragmatics (what are the conversational strategies and roles I employ that reflect ideas of Language and power/language and gender?)

7 The report You will then write a 2000 word report with the title “What my language reveals about my identity”. You can structure it as follows: Paragraph 9: 300 words My language use on social media Paragraph 10 : 200 words Conclusion All word counts are approximate

8 1-2-1s You are each producing a unique project on your unique language
The remainder of the class time this week will be used with individual 1-2-1s, and the writing of the report Bring your data and assignment to your appointment If you have any questions about any aspect of the project, contact me or Phil The list of appointment times will appear on the Eng Office (2.12) door, and on the door of 2.8 from later today

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