Industrial Revolution

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Presentation on theme: "Industrial Revolution"— Presentation transcript:

1 Industrial Revolution
Urban Game Industrial Revolution

2 Establish your village
draw a river across your paper connecting east to west; the river should be about 1 inch wide; draw a simple wooden bridge crossing the river; draw 2 roads: one running north to south and crossing the river at the bridge and one running from east to west.  Neither road need be a straight line. Draw 10 houses; 1 church; 1 cemetery; 1 store; 1 pub; 1 coal mine at least 50 trees!!)

3 1745 Round 1 Add: 1 canal parallel to the river 1 manor house (bigger)

4 1750 Round 2 Add: 5 houses

5 1760 Round 3 Fence off an area 3x3 inches to be reserved as a commons.
Add 5 houses and 1 more nice house.

6 Round 4 Add 1 factory, must be placed on the river bank.  Don’t add any smoke to this factory!!  Add 5 houses for workers

7 1774 Round 5 Add 15 houses Add 1 church , 1 pub, & 1 store.
You may draw additional roads and 1 additional bridge. 

8 Round 6 Add 5 houses Add 5 factories –must be on the river!

9 1780 Round 7 Add 5 Tenements

10 1781 Round 8 Add 1 store, 1 pub, 1 church, & 1 school
Since workers in the factories work 6 days a week, the only day of rest is Sunday.  People flock to your churches so make them convenient for their tired feet.

11 1782 Round 9 Add 5 more pubs.  Destroy 5 houses Add 4 tenements.

12 1783 Round 10 Add 2 manor houses Add 1 factory on the river
Add 15 houses for management personages (Note: from this point on trees may be removed if you need space).

13 1785 Round 11 Add 10 factories with smoke.
Add smoke to all other pre-existing factories.  Add one nice house since people continue to get rich.  Add 5 houses Add 1 tenement. 

14 1800 Round 12 Add 1 new coal mine a new iron bridge to replace the old wooden one.   Add 5 houses.  

15 1815 Round 13 Add one coal mine Draw 1 cemetery

16 1820 Round 14 Add 1 major railroad line connecting all your factories to your coal mines.  This is one continuous track which must connect all factories and mines (you may build additional railroad bridges only as needed).  Add 5 houses for railroad builders.

17 1827 Round 15 Add 1 jail Add 2 pubs Add 2 tenements.

18 Round 16 Add 20 street lamps.  (these are streetlamps and must be located along streets)

19 Round 16 Add 2 hospitals Add 1 more cemetery.

20 1840 Round 17 Add 1 more railroad line passing east to west through your town.   Add 5 houses Add 1 tenement for the new railroad workers.

21 1842 Round 18 Add 1 theater and 1 museum.
Add 2 private schools for upper class students (mark these schools with the letter “P”)   Add 1 nice house Add a city hall

22 1845 Round 19 Add 1 cemetery, 1 jail
1 hospital to accommodate the victims of urban life.

23 Round 20 Add 20 houses 5 tenements
2 stores, 1 church, 5 factories, and 1 pub, 2 more nice houses and one very special house.

24 Your city should have these:
125 houses                               20 Tenements 17 factories                               10 wealthy homes 5 schools (2 private)                    5 jails 9 cemeteries                              10 pubs 10 stores                                      4 hospitals 1 city hall                                     2 Theaters 1 museum                                   2 Railroad stations 1 Canal                                       5 bridges 2 railroads                                                                     roads as appropriate 4 churches 1 3x3 Green Area (common) 3 coal mines

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