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Term 3 Projects.

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1 Term 3 Projects

2 Projects Each group will be responsible for planning and running their own experiment. You can use any materials you think you may need. Each group will have 3 members only.

3 Teams 8A Team 1 Team 2 Team 3 Team 4 Team 5 Team 6 Jenny Harry Matthew
Crystal Jun Woo Ryan Brian Robert Ashley Daniel Eric Junki Paul Kayla Jacob Kevin Elizabeth Emily

4 Teams 8B Team 1 Team 2 Team 3 Team 4 Team 5 Team 6 Miguel Brian Daniel
Jiin Eric Kang Hareem Gloria Eric Kim, Jun Danny Peter Chris Ryan Sophia Alex Joseph Mark Phillip

5 Term Project Your task is to design and perform an experiment or project, where by changing the pressure, volume or density, makes something buoyant. Buoyant basically means it floats.

6 How Submarines Work

7 Deadline The deadline for projects will be the 5th of March.
Each group will give a very brief presentation to the class on how their design works and inspiration behind it. You DO NOT need to make a powerpoint. Just a couple of minutes talking. British Astute Class Nuclear submarine. + Homework

8 Deadline On Tuesday 10th (if I’m here)
I would like to see a sketch and a short plan. Think about what materials you may need ahead of time. British Astute Class Nuclear submarine. + Homework

9 I’m Batman! Please get into your groups now and think about what you would like to make. British Astute Class Nuclear submarine. + Homework

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