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Government and the Economy

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1 Government and the Economy
Chapter 12

2 Roles of Government Arbiter, Manager, Participant
Establish/enforce private property rights (A) Deal w/external costs/benefits (A) Externalities=costs of decisions paid by the public Ensure market competition (A) Protect consumers (A)

3 Roles of Government Arbiter, Manager, Participant
Stabilize the economy (M) Monetary and fiscal policies Promote economic security (M) Provide public goods/services Once provided, available to all

4 How does the Govt spend Direct benefit payments National defense
Social security, medicare, etc. National defense Net interest Grants to States and localities

5 Why does the Govt tax? Pay the cost of government
Protect selected industries Discourage activities Sin tax Encourage certain activities Alter the level of economic activity Tax policy

6 Who should pay taxes? Tax incidence Two theories
Who ultimately bears the burden Two theories Benefits received Toll roads Ability-to-pay

7 Types of Taxes Proportional tax (flat tax) Progressive tax
Takes the same percentage of all incomes Progressive tax Larger percentage of higher income, smaller percentage of lower income Regressive tax Higher percentage of gross income from lower income, lower percentage of gross from higher income Sales Tax

8 Debt and Defecit Debt Deficit Go to the U. S. Debt Clock:
Cumulative sum of all borrowing to finance Deficit When expenses exceed income Go to the U. S. Debt Clock:

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