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Econ#1 Econ#2 Econ#3 Econ#4 Econ#5 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200

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Presentation on theme: "Econ#1 Econ#2 Econ#3 Econ#4 Econ#5 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200"— Presentation transcript:

1 Econ#1 Econ#2 Econ#3 Econ#4 Econ#5 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500

2 Economics is the study of this
$100 Economics is the study of this

3 $100 Scarcity

4 Name and describe one factor of production
$200 Name and describe one factor of production

5 Land, labor, capital, or entrepreneurship
$200 Land, labor, capital, or entrepreneurship

6 The next-best alternative to a choice
$300 The next-best alternative to a choice

7 $300 Opportunity cost

8 The cost of an additional unit
$400 The cost of an additional unit  

9 $400 Marginal cost

10 Name one thing that can be learned from a PPC
$500 Name one thing that can be learned from a PPC

11 How much of 2 resources that can be produced…
$500 How much of 2 resources that can be produced…

12 These are always unlimted
$100 These are always unlimted

13 $100 Wants

14 Term for using resources ineffectively
$200 Term for using resources ineffectively

15 $200 Underutilization

16 Term for hands off approach
$300 Term for hands off approach

17 $300 Laissez faire

18 $400 Economic system based on private ownership of the factors of production  

19 $400 Capitalism

20 Social Security is an example of this
$500 Social Security is an example of this

21 $500 Transfer payment

22 $100 When people who are not part of a marketplace interaction benefit from it or pay part of its costs

23 $100 Market failure

24 North Korea is an example of this type of economy
$200 North Korea is an example of this type of economy

25 $200 Command

26 He stressed that the working class would overthrow capitalism
$300 He stressed that the working class would overthrow capitalism

27 $300 Karl Marx

28 $400 The ability of everyone to enter and compete in the marketplace by free choice

29 $400 Open opportunity

30 $500 Side effect of a product that affects someone other than the producer/buyer

31 $500 Externality

32 In economics, guns refers to___ and butter to ____
$100 In economics, guns refers to___ and butter to ____

33 Military goods and consumer goods
$100 Military goods and consumer goods

34 Cost-benefit analysis means…
$200 Cost-benefit analysis means…

35 Do something only if the MB>MC
$200 Do something only if the MB>MC

36 Benefits that encourage people to act in certain ways
$300 Benefits that encourage people to act in certain ways

37 $300 Incentives

38 One thing we can learn from the circular flow model is
$400 One thing we can learn from the circular flow model is

39 $400 Relationship between households and businesses; Relationship between product market and factor market

40 The three economic questions are:
$500 The three economic questions are:

41 $500 1. What and how much to produce? 2.How will it be produced? 3. For whom will it be produced?

42 $100 Shows how society uses resources to satisfy people’s wants; can vary from country to country

43 $100 Economic system

44 Money left after production costs are subtracted from revenue
$200 Money left after production costs are subtracted from revenue

45 $200 Profit

46 $300 Government may pay part of the cost of something that has the potential to benefit the public as a whole

47 $300 Subsidy

48 $400 Person who avoids paying for a good or service but is able to benefit from that good/service

49 $400 Free rider

50 Economic system that focuses on family and is based on customs
$500 Economic system that focuses on family and is based on customs

51 $500 Traditional economy

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