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Presentation on theme: "Homeostasis."— Presentation transcript:

1 Homeostasis

2 What conditions does the body need?
A stable internal environment Temperature Pressure salt concentration pH etc. It gets this by:

3 Just remember “balance” and “equilibrium”
Term: Homeostasis “Normal operating conditions” “the tendency of an organism or cell to regulate its internal environment and maintain equilibrium, usually by a system of feedback controls, so as to stabilize health and functioning” Just remember “balance” and “equilibrium”

4 HOME - ostasis Your home has systems built in to keep comfortable
Some may turn on automatically Your home has systems built in to keep comfortable (humidifier, lights, stove) some may turn on automatically when environment changes (thermostat)

5 How your body maintains balance…
Receptors sense change Receptors signal to control center to decide if there’s a need to adjust Control center sends signal to effector to take action Via afferent pathway Via efferent pathway

6 How your body maintains balance…
Receptors sense change Receptors signal to control center to decide if there’s a need to adjust Control center sends signal to effector to take action Via afferent pathway Via efferent pathway

7 How your body maintains balance…
Receptors sense change Receptors signal to control center to decide if there’s a need to adjust Control center sends signal to effector to take action Via afferent pathway Via efferent pathway

8 Feedback Negative - changes the variable back to its original state
A.k.a. output reduces the original effect

9 Feedback Positive + Output enhances original effect of the stimulus


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