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Monroe Doctrine 1823.

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Presentation on theme: "Monroe Doctrine 1823."— Presentation transcript:

1 Monroe Doctrine 1823

2 Foreign Policy

3 Foreign Policy Guidelines for how a country handles political and economic interactions with other countries

4 Doctrine

5 Doctrine A statement of official governmental policy, especially in foreign affairs

6 Isolationism

7 Isolationism A policy of avoiding political or military agreements with other countries; first established by George Washington

8 President Monroe James Monroe became president in 1817
He employed a policy of isolationism America turned it’s attention away from Europe Instead looked to South America and the revolt against Spanish rule

9 Spanish Colonies

10 Latin American Independence Movements

11 Opinions… Many Americans were excited by “the glorious spectacle of 18 million people struggling to burst from their chains and be free.” Britain also supported the revolutions because Spanish rule had not allowed the British to trade with the colonies

12 Opinions continued… Many other European countries were not so pleased
Some even began to talk of helping Spain to recover its lost colonies. In 1823, Britain asked the U.S. to join in sending a message to these leaders, telling them to leave Latin America alone.

13 Question? Should the U.S. support European countries colonizing Latin America? Should America do something to support the new Latin American Nations? If so what?

14 The Monroe Doctrine In 1823, President Monroe made a speech to congress He stated that the nations of North and South America were “not to be considered as subjects for future colonization by European powers."

15 The Monroe Doctrine Monroe went on to state, that the United States would view efforts by Europeans to take over “any portion of this hemisphere as dangerous to our peace and safety.”


17 Future U.S. foreign policy…
The Monroe Doctrine and isolationism have become the basic principal of U.S. foreign policy. The Doctrine asserted that the U.S. would not accept European interference in American affairs.

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