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Thermal energy bill nye heat

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Presentation on theme: "Thermal energy bill nye heat"— Presentation transcript:

1 Thermal energy bill nye heat

2 Temperature Temperature: a measure of the average kinetic energy of the particles in an object

3 Thermal energy Thermal Energy: the sum of all of the potential and kinetic energy of ALL the particles in an object Everything has thermal energy!!!

4 examples What types of energy do we need to add together when calculating the thermal energy of the following objects?




8 Thermal energy and temperature
Thermal energy and temperature: When the temperature of an object increases, its thermal energy increases

9 Temperature and mass Thermal energy and Mass: the more mass an object has, the more thermal energy it has






15 Specific heat Specific heat: The amount of heat needed to raise the temperature of an object by 1º C. (1.8 ºF)

16 Water and specific heat
Water: Water has a high specific heat compared to most other liquids so it takes a longer time to heat up and cool down

17 Changes in thermal energy
The thermal energy of an object changes when heat flows into or out of the objects THERMAL ENERGY ALWAYS FLOWS FROM THE PLACE THAT IS WARMER TO THE PLACE THAT IS COLDER

Q = m(Tf – Ti)°C Q = change in thermal energy T = TEMPERATURE m = mass °C = specific heat The instrument that measures specific heat is called a calorimeter

19 Conduction Conduction: The transfer of heat through direct physical touch EX. Lizard on a rock, pot on a stove

20 Convection Blowing on food to cool it down
Convection: The transfer of heat through movement of a fluid (liquid or gas) Blowing on food to cool it down Wind and ocean circulation Mantle convection, furnace, convection oven

21 Radiation Radiation: The transfer of heat through electromagnetic waves EX. The Sun, heat lamp, microwave, tanning bed

22 Popcorn

23 Lizard on a Rock Radiation from the sun heats the lizard and the rock.
Conduction from the hot rock heats the lizard Convection from the warm air circulating around the lizard heats the lizard

24 insulators Insulators: Materials that stop or slow the transfer of heat in or out of an object

25 Thermodynamics Thermodynamics: the study of the relationship between heat, work and energy Dynamic = changing

26 thermodynamics 1st Law of thermodynamics: the increase the of thermal energy of a system is equal to the work on the system plus the heat transferred to the system

27 thermodynamics 2nd Law of Thermodynamics: Heat always flows from high temperature areas to low temperature areas

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